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Anyone in Runcorn?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:49 pm
by DanHeron
I emailed a shop in Runcorn (UK), called Frailers, about an advert they posted on the internet which was basically a list of guitars they had in stock.

One that caught my eye was "Fender bronco black 1978 £299".

I emailed them asking if it was still in the shop (advert was quite old) and if they had any photos they could email.
They replied saying it's still for sale! However they have no photos..

Their replies are worded so badly it makes me think it could be all a joke - but they do have a decent website (the bronco isnt listed on it

"Hello Danny

thanks for your mail
yes we have the fender bronco but we got no more pictures available for this MOdel ok



So, I could take a trip to the shop in Runcorn, although it's a fair distance away - especially if its not for sale anymore or its in bad condition.

Before I do I thought I might aswell ask on here:

Is anyone in Runcorn and familiar with the shop? Is it good? You seen this Bronco before?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:03 pm
by BobArsecake
Well it's a real shop so if it's all baulderdash you could just HulkSmash.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:04 pm
by DanHeron
BobArsecake wrote:Well it's a real shop so if it's all baulderdash you could just HulkSmash.
haha YES!