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Me and Fran Would Rawk This!!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:46 am
by Progrockabuse

oh yes fran, we shall rock this to doogfest III

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:50 am
by robert(original)
thats actually a cool looking strat.
if i saw that online, i would be be in love with it, but the scolloped thing is not my deal.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:41 am
by serfx
its a shame production models will look like ass (you know like the joe strummer tele)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:52 am
by Wilbur
Looks pretty sweet to me...why the scalloped board? I've played a few and didn't think it was that big of a deal...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:54 am
by Nick
Well the strummer tele was mostly primer, which didn't help it in the looks department. I actually thought the ones that came in my shop were cool and played/sounded amazing. However, I couldn't get past the rusty hardware.

I used to dig Yngwie. But then I noticed that I couldn't tell one song from the next and to this date can't remember what any of his shit even "goes like" which tells me he's not as great a guitarist as he thinks he is.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:55 am
by timhulio
The 'play loud' isn't even a proper sticker. The fat douche has just written 'play loud' on some masking tape and stuck it on there. Also, did no-one notice the guitar is piss yellow, and reeks of urine because Yngwie is incontinent and widdles down his trouser leg wherever he walks?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:48 am
by benwalker
Nick wrote:I used to dig Yngwie. But then I noticed that I couldn't tell one song from the next and to this date can't remember what any of his shit even "goes like" which tells me he's not as great a guitarist as he thinks he is.
Track 1.


Track 2.



Does the guitar come with a supersized ego? Or maybe just supersized macdonalds.


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:20 pm
by blacktaxi
this thread is full of hate!!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:49 pm
by vivadeluxxe
I don't have much love for Yngwie... but I've always been fascinated by guitars with scalloped fret boards, I've not seen one IRL but I'd love to try one out...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by Progrockabuse
fran brought his scalloped strat copy to doogfest, it was quite nice to play. very speedy.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:04 pm
by Bacchus
Fuck Yngwie. He's pish and thinks he's great, and is all about the self importance.

"I call this Arpeggios from Hell, because the arepeggios, they are the most extreme that I have ever written. They are in different modes, and ... in different octaves too. Very dificult to explain, very complicated."

No, Yngiwe. It's fucking arpeggios in different octaves. There's fucak all complicated or dificult to explain about it. It's like being able to play barre chords on all the frets, except you pick out the notes instead of strumming. You fucking idiot. It's not a composition either, you fat dick head, it's just some notes.


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:20 pm
by Sparky
LOL, "It has a lot of different arpeggios in a lot of different modes... it's hard to explain."

Fuck you and your superiority complex, Yngwie.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:21 pm
by benwalker
I was looking for 'malmsteen shreds' on youtube but apparently it was taken down at the request of a certain douchebag


so instead found this one

[GVideo] ... 0991&hl=en[/GVideo]


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:48 pm
by Josh
timhulio wrote:The 'play loud' isn't even a proper sticker. The fat douche has just written 'play loud' on some masking tape and stuck it on there. Also, did no-one notice the guitar is piss yellow, and reeks of urine because Yngwie is incontinent and widdles down his trouser leg wherever he walks?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:01 pm
by astro
Even though the 80s died almost 20 years ago, some people out there still think that a guy who can play notes really, really fast is therefore a great musician. That's like saying that someone is a great novelist because they can type 200 words a minute.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:47 pm
by blacktaxi
well i agree with all said, and the piss comment was hilarious..
however there are still people that like this music, or how you call it. so, be tolerant.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:50 pm
by blacktaxi
fack, he's fat :shock: i've only seen him on some posters where he was skinny.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:12 pm
by Fran
Yeah proggy... i'd love a blast on one. ;)

Whats with all the hate for Yngwie?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:20 pm
by benwalker
because i'm highly jealous of his prodigious talent, amazing guitar collection and vast wealth.

no, it's because every time i see him do anything i just think he comes across as a dick. paul gilbert shreds just as fast but always seems like a really nice guy and actually wants to show you how to get better at playing. vai is a bit on the pretentious side, EVH would stand you a drink or ten, petrucci would talk for five minutes about amps, then run away and practice alternate picking for six hours, whilst malmsteen would whip out a piss coloured strat, play THE SAME FUCKING ARPEGGIO really, really fast, then proceed to bore the pants off everyone by proclaiming how great he is. in his opinion.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:24 pm
by euan
I really wish I had seen Paul Gilbert play in a tiny venue the other week. Apparently he was talking to people before and after the gig.