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new videos..

Post by benwalker »

been playing a lot of acoustic stuff recently after getting the new acoustic - i need a new video camera or at least one with better sound, but you get the idea..

youtube channel

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More Cowbell
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Post by More Cowbell »

Just make a nice cd so I can buy it and play it at holiday parties as background entertainment music. Its really nice.
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Post by Reece »

Wow, you're a really good fingerpicker.
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Post by robert(original) »

so, can i have your jaggie baby so pretty?
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Post by benwalker »

nooo! jag = love!

thanks for the comments - need to get to the point where i'm doing some of my own acoustic stuff before trying to record any of it... but will definitely get there eventually...
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Post by ultratwin »

Beautiful tunes and presentation! That 12th fret chord harmonic looks so confusing, but would be something I'd love to dig into on a limited basis.

Nice to see a Fylde fan as well. When I was in England in '99 I met a guy in Eastbourne who had a Fylde Archtop Cittern, possibly one of the most beautiful sounding(and looking) instruments I've ever been around. The volume was immense, and the attention to workmanship was quite stunning.
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Post by benwalker »

cheers - yeah the harping thing looks confusing but isn't too bad when you get your head around it. start off trying the technique with open strings then move onto chords is the best way to get into it.

the fylde has been a revelation - I had a takamine G-Series for probably 12 years before that, and just couldn't get the same response... coming from a classical guitar before that, everything felt flat, with no bass, dynamic or whatever... then last month decided to take the plunge. They do some amazing proper folk instruments (Citterns and the like) and they all sound stunning - and since getting the alchemist I can't put it down, which is no bad thing since my playing has come on leaps and bounds as a result...
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