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report this little tinker

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:12 am
by Hurb
I already have but ebay are ignoring it.

can you spot the deliberate mistake?


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:15 am
by Mike
It's a Japanese Jaguar, the trem is in the wrong place, it has the standard Jazz bridge. etc etc ETC ETC ETC

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:17 am
by Hurb
He does actually say it's a cij jag in the auction, but that title could draw some foolios in.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:19 am
by Mike
It's called Evolution

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:33 am
by euan
Send Stewart to fuck him up.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:57 pm
by stewart
i've been in that shop. it's about 5 minutes walk from my house. i saw it, went "ooh, a new guitar shop", walked in, looked at the price on that jag and did a swift about turn.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:43 pm
by Hurb
looks like it got removed. good jorb shortscale.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:40 pm
by benecol
*blows smoke from finger pistols*

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:00 pm
by MattK
"Thanks for writing so quickly in the auction, we were able to change our listing before anyone bid on the guitar. We were misled by the person we purchased the guitar from into thinking this was an original. We really appreciate all of your information. Others wrote too so we know we really goofed this one up. The good thing about Ebay is that when you are wrong about something, collectors who specialize will let you know right away! You have saved us some embarrassment and the hassle of ending an auction by informing us so quickly of our mistake. I assure you we didn't intend to mislead anyone, we were lied to by the person who sold us the guitar. Thank you for your expertise. The listing is changed.


Sounds decent enough to me.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:41 pm
by markleton
Surely a shop should know the difference between a standard jag and the CP? Lots of differences and would have taken all of two minutes to check out.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:48 pm
by MattK
It was a MIJ/CIJ, so visually pretty similar, and the "Made/Crafted in Japan" had been sanded off. It still said JG-66 in the neck pocket and on the neck heel, but the previous owner had "reliced" it with sand paper and had hand-written "2/66" on the neck heel - what a dick.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:50 pm
by Hurb
MatthewK wrote:It was a MIJ/CIJ, so visually pretty similar, and the "Made/Crafted in Japan" had been sanded off. It still said JG-66 in the neck pocket and on the neck heel, but the previous owner had "reliced" it with sand paper and had hand-written "2/66" on the neck heel - what a dick.
thats not true, the picture of the back of the guitar you could see the crafted in japan.
and they are so different its not funny.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:14 pm
by BobArsecake
That response is a fucking joke, they shouldn't have a guitar shop. I bet they swan about like all other guitarshop workers not knowing shite and dropping it to potential customers. Potential because their foolish arrogance drives everyone away. Gah, I hate people who work in guitar shops.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:16 pm
by Reece
It's a sad fact but quite alot of guitarists and people who work in guitar shops know fuck all about shortscales except teh krudtz used one.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:22 pm
by BobArsecake
Makes me want to HULKSMASH my way out of shops when stuff like that happens.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:23 pm
by nomorebridge
Sorry for bumping an old topic.....

but this really get's my goat

A well known guitar shop in the south east of england once tried to con my mother..... It was my birthday coming up or something and I had let it be known I wanted a Jazzmaster or least would like one. She goes into said guitar shop just to get some prices and info and they try to convince her that what I actually meant to say was I wanted a JagStang...and that I'd be much happier with that.

Now it's a good job my mum knows I know what the fuck I'm talking about and didn't even listen to them.... But it's fucking bizare to say I want x and the shop to go no you don't you want this (that we clearly can't shift).... and because it's my old dear they think they can just sell her any old shite.


sorry for rant!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:29 pm
by Reece
Question said to me by employee (in a south east of england guitar shop as a matter of fact) while I am holding a jag.

"You sure you don't wanna play a strat first mate?"


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:41 pm
by BobArsecake
Southern cunts.

;] :D

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:08 pm
by Reece
At least he didn't say "EY UP LAD AVE TRIED STRAT YET EH AVE YEH?" like you do up there :P.

That shop is terrible and always fulls of cunts, I stood outside the practise room holding a baja tele glaring at the man inside (who had been in there for at least 15 minutes) playing Misirlou over and over for at least 10 minutes before he decided he better put the ibanez back on the wall and turn off the line 6 modelling amp

Also when I took the aforementioned jag into the practise room the guitar guy set the line 6 amp he plugged me into to "INSANE".

Haet that it's the only shop where I can try out fender guitars that's not hard to get to/

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:23 pm
by laterallateral
I got a good one from the asshole at Steve's music store near me, a couple days ago. I asked if they were planning on ordering some Classic Player Jags anytime soon and the sad little man told me: "We only order real ones." I asked him if that was supposed to mean they only order American Vintages and he says, while walking away from me: "Nope, just real ones, dude."
