1563 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330

Friday, December 12th
4:00pm - Dustin Herron
5:00pm - Charlie Giddens
6:00pm - Neon Gypsies a buncha gals doing 60's style stuff w/piano
7:00pm - Hermit
8:00pm - The Wobblies Pretty straight up punk rawk
9:00pm - Poitin and Stout Celtic / Folk / Punk
10:00pm - Blood on the Banjo Cool folk punk Duo of girls on banjo and drums, with songs like"My Bush is Better than George Bush", and "Earth is a Whore"
Saturday, December 13th
5:00pm - 3/4 Minus
6:00pm - Lost Tortoise one of those funk/rasta/reggae/jam band thingies
7:00pm - Catfight! Male/Female fronted Garage Pop
8:00pm - The Bookhouse Boys Whisky Alt-Country
9:00pm - Bad Terms
10:00pm - The Angries really great youthful punk
Sunday, December 14th
4:00pm - Missed the Boat
5:00pm - Mill About Smartly
6:00pm - Latch-Hook Robot Wierd (in a good way) punk with 3 girls 1 boy
7:00pm - Slade and the Big Nothing
8:00pm - They Wont Stay Dead zombie rock
9:00pm - Now Dawning