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Borrowed DS-1

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:36 am
by Wilbur
Is there anything I can do to help it shitty?
Other than sell it of course, because it's not technically mine. Settings suggestions, anyone?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:39 am
by James
Turn it off.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:41 am
by Wilbur
James wrote:Turn it off.
My first thoughts also. Which is why its been sitting on a self in the practice space for a week. But I'd like to find some use for it.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:52 am
by superfuzz
Turn the gain down and use it as an overdrive/booster?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:43 am
by More Cowbell
Do a google search for DS-1 mods. Go to youtube and search for DS-1 mods, and listen to them, find the one you like the sound of the best and google search for how to do it...Or just buy another pedal.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:11 am
by Wilbur
Believe it or not, I'm familiar with most DS-1 mods. If I had the bones, I'd send it off to Keeley. I don't. Just wondering if anyone had found a way to make the stock DS-1 useful. No one seems to be that magical haha...good lord it sounds like crap.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:14 am
by Wilbur
Ooo...I've just remembered this guy...

If I've have enough left over cash during break, I'll spring for the Rectifier Mod and see how it goes.

Mike, how hard was the H2O mod on your Blues Driver?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:49 am
by More Cowbell
If you can use a soldering iron and desoldering braid then you can do the keely mods. Find an old circuit board with resistors/caps on it and practice desoldering them from the board and then resoldering new ones in before attempting to do it to your own pedal's pcb. Desoldering braid is dirt cheap at radio shack, resistors are too. Some mods only require removal of certain resistors/caps and they help alot. I did a super overhaul of a mod to my SD-1, and it was easy and cost me like $20 in parts.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:26 am
by Mages
yea, listen to cowbell. I modded my ds-1. It sounds great. this article is your best source; he gives you ton of info on modding the DS-1 to your liking: ... _Mods.aspx

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:35 am
by Mike
Wilbur wrote:Ooo...I've just remembered this guy...

If I've have enough left over cash during break, I'll spring for the Rectifier Mod and see how it goes.

Mike, how hard was the H2O mod on your Blues Driver?
If you can use desoldering braid then you're laughing, it's not that hard.

The DS-1 is a fairly toss pedal, it's worth modding.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:37 am
by Reece
In my opinion the best way to mod a DS-1 is with a sledgehammer.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:38 am
by Mike

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:13 am
by Mages
marshall style mod:
Brian Wampler wrote:Another (better, IMO) great Marshall mod, let's call this one the "18" mod. c2: 1uf, c3: .01uf, r6: 47k metal film, r9: 100 ohm metal film, c5: .022uf, r13: 1k metal film, c8: 1uf, d5: led, r14: 10k carbon comp resistor, c10: .0047uf, c11: remove, don't replace, c12: .0022uf, r17: .0047uf (yes, replace with a cap instead of resistor), r16: 10k carbon comp resistor, c13: .047uf. All caps metal film panasonic, all resistors metal film except where noted. Parts available from Note that this turns the tone control into something similar to what the Rat (proco) uses. Great tones though - try it! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:39 am
by Fran
James wrote:Turn it off.

There was a good mod on the net where you just bypass the whole pcb, so its like a vanity pedal on your board :lol:

Re: Borrowed DS-1

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:41 am
by mickie08
Wilbur wrote:Is there anything I can do to help it shitty?
Other than sell it of course, because it's not technically mine. Settings suggestions, anyone?
Lend it to a drummer?

Problem solved...

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:32 am
by Doog
Fran wrote:
James wrote:Turn it off.

There was a good mod on the net where you just bypass the whole pcb, so its like a vanity pedal on your board :lol:
Hahaha, a vanity DS-1..


Keep the tone down and use a tube amp. That's probably about as good as it gets stock without putting a RAT inside the box.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:15 pm
by kim
yeah i don't get it either, i see lots of bands (lots of guitarists whose sound i like, sune of raveoenttes, wata of boris etc) use them but i think the pedal is utter crap, even if you love crap, it's just worse than crap, so maybe they're not really ds 1's but just modded like crazy to sound... crazy.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:22 pm
by Pens
I liked the sound of the Wampler Tube Emulation mod. Just swaps out about 4 caps, 2 resistors, and a diode. I have that lying around somewhere on my home workstation.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:24 pm
by jcyphe
I like the DS-1 :cry:, for what it does.

Why so much hate?

I actually had two, and got one modded by IndyG, and it was bad. The mod made it sound more tubey, I like how crappy the Ds-1 sounds, that's what it does.

If you want another tone, just get another pedal.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:44 pm
by Reece
Using the logic "that's what it does" can free any pedal from criticism.

Of course if I want another tone I'd get another pedal but that doesn't stop me despising the sounds the DS-1 gives.