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cheap japanese jazz bass copy

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:00 pm
by Aeon
Got this at a garage sale for $40, case included. Appears to be a Japanese copy from the 70s, possibly 80s. There are no markings on the headstock or back , the only identifier is "Made in Japan" on the neck plate. The pickguard material looks shabby, and it is obviously a veneered body, but the finish doesn't look that bad. Plus its got blocks and binding.

I really don't know anything about basses, but it seems to play pretty well and the electronics work as intended. It holds tune, but the nut appears to be cheap plastic. The hardware is mediocre at best, but functional. It is a tad on the heavy side (probably 12 or 13 pounds), but with a bridge mod, nut replacement and maybe new pickups/electronics it could be gig worthy.

Anyone know anything more about this? For the price I can't really complain, although it was an impulse buy.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:07 pm
by Josh
that looks clean for fender jap copy the scratchplate on these copys are really cheap i have a jap p bass i still have to rebuild and the scratchplate broke in like a day after buying it.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:11 pm
by Aeon
well this thing has clearly been to hell and back. it smells like cigarettes and obviously had some stickers on it back in the day. if by scratchplate you mean pickguard, well, the pattern is ugly as all hell, but seems durable enough. plus I don't think Jazz basses really even need a pickguard.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:21 pm
by Josh
no they dont ... you should totaly jaco the bass no pickguard no frets all funk

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:50 am
by DGNR8
Oh, shit that is a find. I wonder if a Fender neck plate would fit those screws. Sometimes they are a bit taller and narrow. The neck alone is worth it. The only shame is the sunburst, which shouldn't follow the contour like that. Paint over it and wear through some of it.