Hey robert OG check this out.

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Hey robert OG check this out.

Post by aen »


This is not promotion, because Analogue Haven asked me not to promote the pedal until they have them in stock. I'm just letting robert take a nice big look at his XXXmas present to himself.
High quality, low popularity Ecstatic Fury
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Post by robert(original) »

i told tracy " hey! i bought myself an eau claire thunder for christmas for a bro deal! and she said. "what the fuck is a thunder pedal?"
that means she disoproves of my purchase and will bring it up in a future argument, but little does she know, it reacts with the tone knob so that means,
bitching begins. pedal goes on full blast and i react with tone knob rolls, switches and annoying loops and feedbacks with the memory man.
thus making me win the argument.