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Dream Set-Up...

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:44 am
by Haze
Not sure if this has been broached, if so, ignore. But it's always interesting to see what people are after!

Mine would go something like this

Budda Wah
Love Vibe
Hot Cake
Box of Rock
Green Muff
Salt Boost
Small Clone
hardwire rev.
Mike's trem/vibrato thingy
Pitch Black


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:08 am
by Will
DUDE - I was just about to make this thread as soon as I was done googling the name of Fender's rotary speaker. CREEPY.

Anyways, mine would be as follows:

Original Danelectro U1s - probably 3 so I could have 2 in standard and 1 in open-G. 2 black, 1 jade green.
Fender Mustang - my '69 reissue, ideally with a refret.
A really good right-angle cable into a Joe Tore Re'Vibe, which is basically the reverb and tremolo sections from a blackface amp.
The big part would be amps. If transportation and cost were no object, I'd have 2 original or remade tweed Bassmans (Bassmen?). I'd then either get a small tweed deluxe head or use one of the Bassman speaker outs to power a Fender Vibratone, which would be hotrodded with a high-efficiency speaker to compete in volume. All the amps would be chained old-school.

That's it - clean and loud and drenched in reverb and modulation.

Right now, I've got 2 U1s, the Mustang, a Dano trem, and an Ampeg Jet on the way. I think that's the closest I'll ever get to my dream setup short of becoming a rock star :roll:

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:55 am
by light rail coyote
I would love to have some type of big orange amp with verb, and my sunn for clean and some way to switch between them.
For effects I kinda have all I want
IC big muff
vintage crybaby
some dwarfcraft
some devi ever
Vintage small stone

I want a vintage jazzy pretty bad though

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:08 am
by robroe
me running into a a kanye west microphone into this motherfucker


ohh and i want one of those satelite motherfuckers too


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:05 pm
by rodvonbon
robroe wrote:ohh and i want one of those satelite motherfuckers too
God damn you Rob, I've never heard of these before and now I must have one.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:12 pm
by euan
rob has a bit of a thing for them

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:36 pm
by laterallateral
SG-200, shit brown - Late 60's Jaguar, Mint on Seafoam
Saltbooster - Devi Ever Shoegazer - EHX Small Clone
Tube driven spring reverb unit
a/b switch
Sovtek Mig 50 for dirt / late Traynor Bassmaster for clean
80's - early 90's Marshall 1960a

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:48 pm
by Wilbur
GW SC 5 string or an early 70's Jazz Bass
EBS Multi Comp
Wilson Technologies Bass Wah
Barber LTD
Bass Big Muff
AnalogMan Bi-Chorus
Line6 DL4
Digitech Jamman
Ampeg SVT-VR
Ampeg 810

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:06 pm
by mickie08
vintage Andy summers style tele (not necessarily a sig model, just one modded like his)

Fulltone CLyde Wah
GigFX Chopper
Box of Mike
Mike COT 50
SIB varidrive
T-Rex delay
Enrie Ball pan pedal to a/b amps

TT for grit
blues deluxe for clean

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:23 pm
by SpectralJulian
My dream set-up isn't too far away from what I have now

EHX HOG (have)
EHX Frequency Analyzer (have)
Copilot FX Antenna (have)
a rotating door of fuzzes and ODs (well I've got 1 fuzz and 1 OD right now)
a good tuner (have)
tuner out goes to amp instrument channel
tuner bypass goes to more pedals:
A/B/Y switcher with XLR in (coming)
pedal location swapper (have yet to build)
Loop 1 of location swapper: EHX Stereo Memory Man with Haz (have) *set full wet
Loop 2 of location swapper: DOD FX-17 (have)
out of swapper goes to bass channel

Blackface Bassman or Ampeg V4 (don't have, I've got a silverface 135)

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:26 pm
by Sloan
Johnny DeMarco

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:32 pm
by stewart
tray of cocaine
thai ladyboy
an animal

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:37 pm
by JamesSmann
stewart wrote:me
tray of cocaine
thai ladyboy
an animal
that's my dream job!

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:39 pm
by euan
stewart wrote:me
tray of cocaine
thai ladyboy
an animal
Replace the cocaine with a Scotch Pie, the ladyboy with a sheep and the animal with St Jimmy and I'm there.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:30 am
by ultratwin
1. Remove Jazzmaster or Televersary Cindicaster from case

2. Connect the pedals I always use

3. Donate a '65 Deluxe Reverb to my poor soul

4. Done

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:38 am
by Doog
Feels odd to say it, but I'm pretty much there! There's nothing about my setup that isn't the way I want it- maybe get my Jazzy sounding closer to my Strat in brightness and twangness, but I'm content, dare I say it.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:40 am
by Mike
I'm pretty much with Doog. I'm way happy with everything at the moment.

Anything I desire is generally for practise/recording/mucking about.

My live setup is done.

Jaguar -> Korg DT-10 -> Aen Plane Ticket Boost -> Klon -> Behringer DD400 -> Marshall 6100 -> Marshall 2x12"

My modded RAT might boot the Klon, who knows?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:07 am
by shae
My setup is pretty much complete with what I've been doing lately...

Current setup:

Telecaster > Digitech Bad Monkey > Ruetz Rat2 > Boss DD7 > Vox AC15 w/ tone cut mod and 80s Greenback

I'd really like to replace the Bad Monkey with a SHO (which I really want to build myself but if it proves too difficult I'll get a Livesly) at some point. The DD7 my girlfriend got for me for Christmas. I really didn't expect it and hadn't looked at any of the Digital boss delays when I was on my 'pedal voyage'. I'm giving it a honeymoon period of about 3-6months before I make a final decision on it though. Initially I was really gung-ho on the idea of getting an AD-999.

So my 'ideal' setup really would be:

Telecaster > SHO clone > Ruetz Rat2 > Electro Harmonix Poly Chorus > Maxon AD-999 > Vox AC15 w/ tone cut mod and 80s Greenback

For a tuner I use a TU12h but live I used to have a TU2... I'd opt for a DT-10 or Pitchblack tuner this time 'round.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:23 am
by theshadowofseattle
I want the shit I have to be fixed.

My Riviera with new pots


My Boss DD-6 without the broken mode control


My Bassman 10 without the grounding problem

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:02 am
by Ty
Mine would be:
Guitar's-Mustang,Hi-flier,Jag,and Tele.
Effect's-Proco Rat2, Electro-Harmonix PolyChorus, Dunlop Cry baby Wah, Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face.
Amp's-Orange Rocken Reverb 100, misc.Marshall cabs.