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Danelectro 12 String

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:49 pm
by BobArsecake
Hmm, I'm after a 12 string, and seeing how I doubt I'll be able to afford the 360/12 I want I'm thinking about one of these


Just a quick question re the strings/nut. Would I need a new nut to rearrange the strings to a Rickenbacker type set up rather than the more conventional way of octave string before normal? Or would they be fine with just a restring? I'm not about to go out and get one anyway, I'm going to save up for a while and see if a 360/12 appears with a good deal, just more of a curiousity re: the Dano setup.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:34 am
by Will
I believe you would have to get a new nut - can't find a pic ATM, but IIRC they file the slots pretty close to the string diameter.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:43 pm
by bassintom
This thread makes me long for the Dano I sold Nick..I'll have to get another.