This is my favorite Rickenbacker color.It was COTY(color of the year) in 2000.Unfortunately it is probable one of the most sought after Rick colors so Sea Green Ricks sell for far more than the same model in a standard color.
Last edited by westtexasred on Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I got some pics saved on my hardrive, there was 360 Sea Green on eBay a couple months ago, i don't know what it finished at, but it didn't seem crazy at the time.
I like the Turquoise, Blueboy, and Blueburst COTY better, but it is a sweet color.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
That's actually a gorgeous color... I really do have to go out of my way to play a Ric one of these days, just to see why so many people seem to hate them, lol.
I still can't be sold on the look of the really fat, rounded hollowbodies... Their other guitars look decent, but nothing really beats a 4000 series bass for beauty...
Jagermeister wrote:That's actually a gorgeous color... I really do have to go out of my way to play a Ric one of these days, just to see why so many people seem to hate them, lol.
I still can't be sold on the look of the really fat, rounded hollowbodies... Their other guitars look decent, but nothing really beats a 4000 series bass for beauty...
How bout this 4003?It belongs to a guy on The Telecaster Forum
Jagermeister wrote:
That's amazing, but when it comes down to it I'd have to be a nerd and get one in... Whatever Ric calls dark blue.
You know that the midnight blue one is not in fact motorized, right?
These surf green rics go against everything I love about rickenbackers, that is, not being fenders. I am pretty set on buying a black 4003 later this year.
Nick wrote:You know that the midnight blue one is not in fact motorized, right?
Haha, it'd also have to be left handed. At least they're a bit more functional than the EB0 I bought on a whim, and never could find a use for other than wall candy
DanHeron wrote:They're nice but for me you can't beat a classic fireglo ric.
Pretty much any solid colour beats fireglo. It's like a cherry red SG. Boo urns.
It seems the majority agree with you! But I would still prefer a fireglo ric. When I hear/read 'rickenbacker' I think of a fireflo 330 and that is probably what I would choose. I still think the other colours look good, amazing infact.
I approve of this message. I am really liking that color and the roundness of Rics. I guess I had better get working on mine. It doesn't INTONATE properly.
The eBay seller Olivia's Vintage always takes the best pictures.
This is the smae color, but I guess it can look blue, or this guys camera was tinting it blue.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.