Dried out rosewood fretboard + Wiring question
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:46 am
Right, next time i'm home i'm gonna give the cowbell jazzblaster some much needed TLC. Proper setup, truss rod adjustment and see if i can sort out the grounding issue.
Firstly, the rosewood fretboard is looking proper dry, where it looks dusty even when it's clean. What can I use to put a bit of life back into it? I'm gonna get some lemon oil too, any brand recommendations?
Secondly, the guitar has a grounding issue. It's a pretty nasty hum even when clean, goes away when i touch anything metal on the guitar but it's really annoying. As far as I can remember all the grounds (or maybe just the lead circuit grounds) lead to a wire soldered to one of the bridge posts. Whats the best way to wire the grounds in jazzmaster style wiring? I'm quite sure it's close to normal JM wiring.
Firstly, the rosewood fretboard is looking proper dry, where it looks dusty even when it's clean. What can I use to put a bit of life back into it? I'm gonna get some lemon oil too, any brand recommendations?
Secondly, the guitar has a grounding issue. It's a pretty nasty hum even when clean, goes away when i touch anything metal on the guitar but it's really annoying. As far as I can remember all the grounds (or maybe just the lead circuit grounds) lead to a wire soldered to one of the bridge posts. Whats the best way to wire the grounds in jazzmaster style wiring? I'm quite sure it's close to normal JM wiring.