Help Dating this Ibanez Blazer
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:24 pm
A friend is interested in buying this, and now I'm interested in what is is exactly.
Usefully, I don't have any photos, but it's a Blazer from January of 1980. The serial number is A800493.
A means January
80 means 1980
0493 is the production number for that month.
We're trying to work out where it was made. Different sources say different things, Wikipedia tells me that
Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that it was made at the Fujigen factory, but I can't find where I read that. This is looking less likely.
I believe it to be the BL-70MH, from this catalogue: ... d=55&now=1
Any ideas or does anybody know about these. Anything at all would be useful.
Usefully, I don't have any photos, but it's a Blazer from January of 1980. The serial number is A800493.
A means January
80 means 1980
0493 is the production number for that month.
We're trying to work out where it was made. Different sources say different things, Wikipedia tells me that
so it was made by Dyna Gakki, but says it was made by the Terada Musical Instruments Company.Most Ibanez models with this serial number format were made by FujiGen Gakki. Exceptions are the Ibanez Blazer models which were made by Dyna Gakki
Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that it was made at the Fujigen factory, but I can't find where I read that. This is looking less likely.
I believe it to be the BL-70MH, from this catalogue: ... d=55&now=1
Any ideas or does anybody know about these. Anything at all would be useful.