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Best clean for pedal set-up (Marshall, Fender)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:16 pm
by hanneshannsen

I hope you can advise me on a sound issue. I was looking on getting an amp with cool, vintage-style clean sound, not to dirty though. I want to run my pedalboard through it (Boss Bluesdriver, Zvex Fuzz Factory, FM4, Boss Gt-8...). Somewehere between Frusciante and Einziger is probably what it should sound like. That's why I thought about getting a Marshall. I have an offer for a JMP MKII from 1979. But a lot of people told that it might not be the right way to go, since the clean is not clean (rather crunchy) and only adjustable when using the volume knob.
They rather advised me to take a Plexi (but only the re-issues would really be affordable for me I guess...didn't intend to spend much more than $900-950), a 6100 or a JTM 45.
Some also said I should go with Fender. And I got to admit that I might also consider taking a Bassman. And what about the Vox Ac 30 (actually already dropped that one)Now as you see I'm quite unsure about which way to go. It's also impossible to test every one of these amps. And the shortscale youtube video about the JCM 800 ( also again made think about taking the JMP.
Hope you can help me out here. Also created a big poll.

Thanks in advance.



Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:57 am
by Noirie.
If i where you i'd probaly go with that marshall jvm, seems pretty versaite and shit but meh.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:28 am
by laterallateral
If clean is all you want, then clean is all you need.
Look at Bassmen and JTM45s.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:39 am
by robert(original)
my 67 bassman is the cleanest thing i have found to date.
aen has a twin re-issue and says it just sparkles and farts clean tones.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:44 am
by mickie08
If you truly want a clean base for pedals, get a silverface fender (blackface may be better but usually more expensive.)

Twins are heavy as shit and loud as shit but have zero breakup at useable levels. Almost to bright and brittle depending on the tubes and the guitar/pedals you use.

Bassmans are just fucking awesome. End Of Story.

i would love one of the 4x10 bassman combos again.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:52 am
by the isaac eaton
bassmen amps are extremely clean, pretty much anything fender makes. I have a fender cyber twin and depending on how you set it up the master can be on 9 before it breaks up, amazingly clean. I just run it completely clean then use pedals to get all the tonez. defiantly not using all of the cyber twins potential, but whatever, sounds best clean

: D

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:25 am
by robert(original)
i have a cyber twin as well but with the setting i have on it it breaks up at 5 easy.
whats your setting yo/?!?
mine is.
59 blackface pre gain,tube 1,fender reverb,dwell set at 5.5, tone at 5.5,time at 5.5, diffusion at 5.5, timbre is full body, stanard polarity, compresor off, noisegate off.
thats my best clean setting, all the others are shoegaze styled rock out stuff with a nice blusey overdrive as my 4th quick access.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:20 am
by the isaac eaton
robert(original) wrote:i have a cyber twin as well but with the setting i have on it it breaks up at 5 easy.
whats your setting yo/?!?
mine is.
59 blackface pre gain,tube 1,fender reverb,dwell set at 5.5, tone at 5.5,time at 5.5, diffusion at 5.5, timbre is full body, stanard polarity, compresor off, noisegate off.
thats my best clean setting, all the others are shoegaze styled rock out stuff with a nice blusey overdrive as my 4th quick access.
I use

Channel 1

Tweed gain stage,
tweed tube 1
large hall reverb all at 5.5
timbre off
reverse polarity
compressor off
noisegate on with a little bit of threshold not alot, about 3 i think
treble at 9
mids at 7.5
bass at 9
trim about 2 and a half
and the master usually at 2 1/2 for room stuff, when i play with a band its at 4 and im easily well present in the mix

channel 2 and 4 are just the same clean tone but with different delays.

and my channel 4 is a distortion i made that i really like.

thats about it

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:37 am
by robert(original)
im going to have to try that when i get off of work today.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:38 am
by Josh
i need to find a bassman im so sick of my peavey.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:11 pm
by Doog
Not to just recommend what I have, but I've used my Marshall DSL50 as a primarily clean amp for some 8 years with very few probs.

At 50w, you'll be able to crank it to "starting to get powertube OD" levels with a loud band without killing anyone, and the Classic Channel has some nice vintagey preamp gain on tap to get that GRIND at any volume. The 2 modes on the classic channel are supposedly modelled after a Plexi and a JCM800. The Ultra Channel modes are hotrodded JCM800 and JCM900 SLX or something similar.

But alas, the prices for the UK-made amps in the US aren't as favourable, even on the used market..

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:21 pm
by light rail coyote
sunn solarus or any of the heads like that. like a bassman with a fuller sound. plus you can find the for kinda cheap

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:28 pm
by laterallateral
While you're at it, you may want to check Traynor YBA-1s which employ cloned Bassman/jtm45 circuits but go for several hundred dollars less.
Also check the Sovterk MIG 50.