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3 way switch

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:13 am
by william
hey, im rewiring my silvertone because the 3 way switch has never worked and upon looking at seymour duncan's schematic, looks like its all fucked up. im wondering if somebody tried to rewire it a certain way at one point or something, because some of it seems to be way off.

anyhow, ive never done this before. so far, ive made some improvements (the switch does something now, albeit not the correct function: up is bridge only, middle is silence, and down (where normally itd be only bridge) is both pickups.)

so.... is there something about 3 way switches i should know? are there any general tips you could give? heres the scheme im referencing:
► Show Spoiler

mine looks pretty similar now, but theres the aforementioned switch issue. can anybody shed some light on this, given that ive provided limited information? :oops:

im thinking maybe the 3 way in my dano is a different type than theirs, they have a funny way of drawing it anyway: mine has 3 distinct tags on it, where theres seems to have 4, with 2 pulled together to make "middle." on my guitar, it doesnt look right, the middle prong goes stright to output... but i guess i just thought the necessary contacts would be made inside the switch housing.

anyhow, thats for reading and considering, if i need to give more info, i will, but i cant really take pics right now :oops:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:52 am
by Will

There are probably better schemes, but this is the first one I found. The SD scheme is for a center-on switch with both pickups in parallel. The 1449 switch is center-off, for pickups in series.

Okay, this scheme totaly sucks... Especially since the pup wires in yous won't be color coded... hold on...

Can't find what I'm thinking of. Basically the pickups are like a big humbucker when the switch is in the middle. It's not too dissimilar from a split/series switch.

Wish I could help - I could totally wire this thing in 15 minutes if it was in front of me, but explaining it in words is harsh.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:37 am
by william
thanks for... that. ha.

that scheme kind of hurts my head for some reason. but i think if i just isolate the parts i can figure it out.

i guess i just assumed that the SD would be vintage correct, otherwise why bother? sometimes i wish the entire internet were open like wiki and i could flag shit like this as misleading, or fix it myself. its toxic to have incorrect shit proliferating all over the place.

ok, so, tomorrow im going to try and get the guitar working again by that schematic there. i can't face it again until i can get a fresh start.

thanks for the info though. its hard to find any about danelectros STILL. its kind of insane. danguitars wants 10 bucks for a download of a pdf of a schematic. wtf.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:06 pm
by william
quick question:

the pickup selector on the schematic you posted: is it bridge-mid-neck, going from left to right? its weird to me how the tabs are on different faces, so i thought id ask.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:10 pm
by Will
I've got so much allergy medicine in my system right now it's a wonder I can even see.

I believe it is bridge-mid-neck, but I could be wrong.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:14 pm
by william
DuoSonicBoy wrote:I've got so much allergy medicine in my system right now it's a wonder I can even see.

I believe it is bridge-mid-neck, but I could be wrong.
as long as its either BMN or NMB ill be alright. its easy enough to switch em around.

bummer about allergies duder. ive always been really glad not to have em. lucky i guess.