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Hardwire DL-8 Stereo Delay Looper Pedal

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:19 am
by Haze
So i've decided on this being my next pedal investment. My current delay is a Behringer DD600 which creates an awefull hiss no matter what i do.
Key points:
Digital [8 seconds]
FUCKING LOOPER [20 seconds]
Hardwire Bypass
Tails switch [disables true bypass]

so yeah, other option was a dd7, and i think this one way out preforms it, and it's the same price
well, i'll get my friend who works at best buy to buy it for me on discount, but yeah

ps: sold my whammy for 120 today, so it evens itself out :wink:

PGS' Demo

Re: Hardwire DL-8 Stereo Delay Looper Pedal

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:31 am
by Mages
Haze wrote:Key points:
Digital [8 seconds]
FUCKING LOOPER [20 seconds]
Hardwire Bypass
Tails switch [disables true bypass]
this sounds like it's almost exactly the same as the DigiDelay. It has Digital, Tape, Modulated, Reverse, Looper (20 sec), stereo, and tails switch. and speaker cab sim as well. and you can get it on ebay for $30-$40.

I'd really like to know actually if anyone has had any experience with a digital delay that hasn't been noisy. I mean, I haven't tried that many but I'm under the impression that they are generally noisy.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:04 pm
by Haze
hmm, over looked the digi delay, but it is nearly identical... will have to give those a thought to.
I'll go to guitar center today and play both [if they have the digidelay that is]

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:49 pm
by jcyphe
Sometimes the Digitech Digidelay I used to have would get stuck on a mode, what's up with that?