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latest guitars

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:27 am
by hendrix1234
Here's some of my latest guitars

the first one is a 66 mustang neck on a duo body, its got a texas special in the neck and a dimarzio hs-2 with the cover off in the bridge.the second one is an aria or similar guitar, its an awesome guitar to play.
When i got it ,the pickups were dead and they are impossible to find a replacement for, so i used the base from the pickups as a mounting bracket and the single coils are held on by the magnets then i just heighten the base( it works really well) but it leaves the gaps on either side
The 3rd one is an old fenix tele body ive had for ages, and a 83' squier strat neck ive also had for a while i decided to join them and it turned out really well, i love the squier neck its been played.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:18 am
by Mages
yea, that neck looks like it's from one of those japanese SQ serial squiers. nice!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:59 pm
by Pacafeliz
mage wrote:yea, that neck looks like it's from one of those japanese SQ serial squiers. nice!
yep those are my favs! i've got a white/rosewood and a black/maple one. the black one used to be my #1 before i went all shortscale/offset!


Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:34 am
by hendrix1234
Yeh i love the sq serial necks too, ive still got the body somewhere.

i had black/rosewood one and a white/maple one, i switched the necks and sold the white one,
that why ive still got the maple neck, it needs a refret badly though.