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Schroeder Blister Agent II

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:23 am
by Zack
Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. I was talking to a guitarist I know and he's telling me that he wants to get this 400 dollar pedal. As I read up on it, I can't figure out why he even thinks about wanting it/playing it until I find "The first run of 20 were sold to a select group of musicians including the members of Wilco, Andrew Bird, Nels Cline, and others."

Unfortunate for sure, buying a 400 dollar pedal just for the name. I'm sure we've seen this before, ala the Klon, but I'm curious to see whether or not this pedal is actually worth Mr. Schroeder's "10+ years" of designing this pedal." To me it looks like a distortion + clone with a booster, with features like a "sag filter, giving the pedal an organic feel and the ability to accentuate swirly-style effects, and a notch filter to accentuate different frequencies." (which sounds like a starve knob & switch to cut out specific transistors)

Don't mean to be bashing just overly curious. Anyway, I'm looking for some schematics/shots of the inside if anyone comes across any. I will continue to look and see if I can find anything else on this pedal and if it's worth it.