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Fried my soundcard???

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:05 am
by benwalker
I swapped out a mic yesterday (48v phantom thing.. left the power on thinking nothing would happen...) - sound card (Audiofire 4) went pop. Now it just sits there slowly popping, gradually getting quicker and louder even when there is nothing plugged in apart from the power lead and monitors...

I tried re-flashing the firmware in the hope that it would reset it but no dice. Rahhhh!!!!!!!

Any guesses?


Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:06 am
by lancer88
i have no idea..but my god..that sounds i'm all paranoid :oops:

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:13 am
by robroe
your sound card has its own power supply?

i thought they just ran off the computer power supply

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:59 pm
by benwalker
Yep - has its own power supply: it's meant to draw power from the PC wirewire, but my laptop only has a mini-FW socket...

All fixed though - sent back to the UK distributors who waited for the part to come in, then sent out a new unit after I pointed out that it had been 6 weeks without me recording anything!!!!