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MXR stereo chorus & Little Big Muff Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:31 am
by jimib
In my current pedal set up i have a little big muff running into a stereo chorus (with other pedals before and after)

Last night my LBM was sounding like absolute crap, HUGE volume drop even when volume on max about a 0.5 second delay when turning on and the worst sounding fuzz tone I've ever heard. After about 30 minutes going through all the pedals and cables I realised that when I removed my MXR stereo chorus the LBM sounded perfect, exactly the same as when i ran guitar -> LBM -> Amp.

When the chorus was on my pedal board it sounded fine, and it sounds fine by itself but just when running the two together the Muff sounds crap.

I have tested the patch cables to an extent and I don't believe it to be this at the moment, although I could be wrong. The chorus I barely use and I only use 1 setting which is very subtle, so I guess maybe it's possible it's always been slightly broken but I never realised and have just become used to the sound.

Also once I think I may have used a 9v daisy chain instead of the 18v power supply for a second before realising, could this have somehow fried the chorus?

Thanks Shortscalers

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:44 pm
by Will
That is a seriously confusing problem. You can't fry with undervoltage, so I wouldn't worry about that.

Only thing I can say is keep testing and see if you find a pattern.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:40 am
by jimib
thanks i will keep testing everything again.

i only really use chorus on one song so it doesnt really matter if i remove it, it's just annoying./

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:29 pm
by Shaguar
Sounds like an impedance problem to me. I'll crack open my electronics books and see if I have a possible solution for you.

But upon reading that you used 9v versus 18v on the chorus, you may be getting a lack of headroom. You could try getting a proper 18v powersupply for it (surely it must use batteries if not?) and then trying it in your chain.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:02 am
by jimib
I do have the correct 18v adaptor that came with the chorus, just one time I accidently connected a 9v power supply by mistake.
At the moment I have just removed the chorus and everything is working fine, it's only used on 1 song so I can live without it.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:20 am
by Will

If yr OK with homophobia, this will cure your chorus problem for some unreasonably inflated but still dirt cheap Australian price.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:31 am
by Haze
DuoSonicBoy wrote:Image

If yr OK with homophobia, this will cure your chorus problem for some unreasonably inflated but still dirt cheap Australian price.