The pedal.
The =main= circuit board.
So I find out on internet that there's a "zener" diode in the DD-2 that they purposefully reverse-wire between voltage and ground. In the case of over-voltage or reversed polarity, the diode sacrifices itself for the good of the community and becomes a short to ground. To revive the pedal, all it takes is one quick snip of a diode lead (in the yellow circle below).
Short removed, pedal works!
I replaced the zener anyway. Here's the replacement threaded through the board, before soldering & trimming.
I AB'd the DD-2 vs. the DD-5, and I think the DD-5 has a slightly fuller sound. But the DD-2 has some interesting quirks of its own, and it's good to have it back in action after all those years on the shelf.