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Worship guitars

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:36 pm
by othomas2
Sold a CP Jazzy to a guy today, who brought in a strat and a 'worship' Jazzmaster copy to compare with... and now he's looking to offload it for £65 due to his new purchase..

I tell you, apart from the aesthetic qualities and minor flaws... i.e. the pickguard edges etc (some would say the headstock ?? - although that's now growing on me !)... the guitar plays and sounds amazing !! The Neck is nice and & quite a flat radius... fret edges are as smooth as a Babies bum !! they seem to concentrate on the important aspects and disregarded the bits the could be ironed out with a little TLC. An ideal modders guitar !

Wondering now if I should snap it up... never that keen on a strat trem and would prefer a humbucker at the bridge (which the other model has !! ) but it sure is a nice player... a strat disguising itself as a jazzmaster !

anyways, here's a link....

Fran, is this the one you bought recently ??

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:28 pm
by DanHeron
£65 is good for any guitar that sounds nice. Especially if you could upgrade some of the cheaper parts. I looked at the site, they look nice actually. I like the black/black tele with the maple neck! Don't see teles in that colour combo much, especially not cheap ones.