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Squire Silver Series Tele Refub-Info Needed

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:03 pm
by malko
I've had one of these for a long time i use for opening tuning and the various controls need replaced. Does anyone have any info on these as i want to make sure i order the right parts. I want to replace the control plate and pick up selector (i can buy this all in one i assume) and the volume and tone knob.


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:38 pm
by robroe
control plates are universal

here are some photos of my green tele rebuild from years ago when i turned it into an esquier by replacing pretty much every thing on it. when you buy new pots for the guitar, you are either going to have to get regular size ones and sand out the cavity, or fine smaller ones that fit in there....also depending on the depth of the cavity when you replace the 3 way selector you will need to buy the little boxy kind so it will fit in there and not the giant half round switch like i did.

i just bought all the bigger parts anyways because they are better quality stuff and then just made my control cavity bigger, deeper, with a dremel tool. when i traded telecasters with Shad i fucking kept all these awesome guts and he didn't get shit. haha fuck you shad. suck my awesome partz.


in this photo you can see the differnce between the construction of the round 3 way compared to the pcb box 3 way on the floor. it needs a deeper route in the body.

stock pot on the left, new one on the right. much bigger.



Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:45 pm
by malko
cool i've been putting this off for a while but i got some holidays soon so i might give it a crack. need to get the thing painted as well as someone stripped the paint off.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:48 pm
by robroe
well if you decide to go with bigger fender style electronics over the squier ones you got, and sand out the cavity, i would get all that out of the way, then paint it


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:57 pm
by lancer88
very nice "in the process pics" but man, seems like it'd be alittle easier up on a table or something, using the kitchen floor must kill your back. maybe thats what the booze is for..cant drop your guitar on the floor..if its already there :P

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:18 pm
by robroe
you never saw our old apartment. that was the apartment.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:19 pm
by robroe

grolsch solves everything