I brought it in:
Then I opened it and a guitar case was inside:
In the case?
Amazing part? It made it all the way across 'murika IN FUCKING TUNE.
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nope. i meant the pics...they were coming as bandwidth exceeded. LOLendsjustifymeans wrote:Something broke?St. Jimmy wrote:awww, boo! how i fix?
pfft that's nothing, the cowbell jazzblaster made it all the way across the atlantic IN FUCKING TUNE.St. Jimmy wrote:Amazing part? It made it all the way across 'murika IN FUCKING TUNE.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
yeah, i pulled the pics out of the esquier thread and will post more (smaller pics) later...Mike wrote:http://www.photobucket.com
1. It doesn't put any pressure on shortscale's bandwidth and as a result have long load up times
2. It automatically resizes large pictures so they won't be like the Esquire thread which doesn't load up
3. You can edit/rotate etc pictures after they're uploaded
i haven't had a chance to plug it in either to my amp or my POD Farm software yet (I ended up just tracking vocals last night), but I plan to do so tonight. But I did play the fuck out of it all night not plugged in...here's some thoughts:endsjustifymeans wrote:Dear Jimmah,
More info on what you think of the franken-sonic PLZ...
You are the first person EVER to play it aside from me (as Frank that is), and I'm curious how it's working for you.
I'm hoping the control plate is not in your strum path, it was outside of mine but people have different strumming styles.
I really hope you enjoy it, it was a labor of love and I'm really pleased to see it get some use.
Started life as a MIM Duo, neck is from a new Jagmaster (refinished for a worn look and feel), Bridge is from a first gen toronado.St. Jimmy wrote:i haven't had a chance to plug it in either to my amp or my POD Farm software yet (I ended up just tracking vocals last night), but I plan to do so tonight. But I did play the fuck out of it all night not plugged in...here's some thoughts:endsjustifymeans wrote:Dear Jimmah,
More info on what you think of the franken-sonic PLZ...
You are the first person EVER to play it aside from me (as Frank that is), and I'm curious how it's working for you.
I'm hoping the control plate is not in your strum path, it was outside of mine but people have different strumming styles.
I really hope you enjoy it, it was a labor of love and I'm really pleased to see it get some use.
-It's my first shortscale Fender guitar and I absolutely love the shorter scale for "punky" or "powerchord" type stuff. The neck feels really nice man. And as a side note, i'm DULY impressed with how well you got that custom logo decal on the headstock...it looks like it was done at the Fender factory.
-I noticed a "dent" on the neck down near the 12 or 14th fret (don't remember which one) but it didn't effect the feel of the neck at all and it's really small so i'm not arsed about it.
-the high E was choking a bit down past the 15th fret...i don't do a lot up there except for a note or two for accent's sake...but I think i'm going to check the action on that string just to be sure.
-the action over all is just how i like it! i'm not a super-low action or super-high action guy, so this was really great out of the box.
-the control plate seems like it's fine, though yeah a couple times i did barely scrape it...but i'm not worried about it really. if i have to alter my strum path slightly to avoid the control plate when i play Him, i certainly can handle that.
over all this thing is a real beauty. i forget, but did he start out as a mid 90's MIM Duo? I'm sure you've said at some point...LOL. is the neck the stock neck that came with it? Because it really does feel great. I'm DYING to get it plugged in and put it through the real paces. over all i'm totally enamoured with Franky. my guitar wall looks so bad ass because it has my esquier, dots' MIM Strat, my MIM strat, my jagmaster and now Franky on it currently...just need a mustang, jaguar and jazzmaster now! LOL
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
The finish on that neck is waaaaaay different than the stock jm neck which may account for your liking thsi one but not the one you demo'd. It's refinned with a much thinner and more satiny texture.St. Jimmy wrote:a jagmaster neck? that's fucking awesome! because when i demo'd a jagmaster the first time i hated the neck for some reason...this proves it was just a silly moment. the bridge looks really cool and the saddles are super solid as well. i'm really excited about this guitar. it's my first fender shortscale, it's my most "unique" guitar and i just really love the fit and finish. i'm a comp stripe WHORE and the green pearl really NEEDS to be on this guitar...you did a great job with it man. really.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
St. Jimmy wrote:
theshadowofseattle wrote:less being WOKE
more being STOKED
that's probably what it is then. the SX neck on the jagmaster that i bought from sparky felt better than that stock JM neck felt...so you did a HELL of a job refin'ing that neck. man...i wish i had the day off today to be fucking with that guitar!endsjustifymeans wrote:The finish on that neck is waaaaaay different than the stock jm neck which may account for your liking thsi one but not the one you demo'd. It's refinned with a much thinner and more satiny texture.St. Jimmy wrote:a jagmaster neck? that's fucking awesome! because when i demo'd a jagmaster the first time i hated the neck for some reason...this proves it was just a silly moment. the bridge looks really cool and the saddles are super solid as well. i'm really excited about this guitar. it's my first fender shortscale, it's my most "unique" guitar and i just really love the fit and finish. i'm a comp stripe WHORE and the green pearl really NEEDS to be on this guitar...you did a great job with it man. really.