If it actually has decent headroom, I'd consider it. I think Marshalls have one of the more interesting clean sounds out there, although I don't know how much of that would translate to an EL84 design.
The 2 preamp valves make me think it's more for dirt, though.
Site demo cleans sound decent, and I'm curious what a 2x12 cab could do with that.
Quite nice to see a 5-watter with an EQ like that and meaty breakup at 12:00, though the open-bore maxed tone later on sounded a little more "fried"(albeit dynamically responsive) than what I'm used to hearing from juicy Marshalleque compression.
Yeah, they're pretty cheap around here.....even the silverface ones with the blackface circuitry.
I bought a Reissue awhile back on musicansfriend that was used/clearing out for $600 (more than I wanted to pay) but it's lights out. Put it on a stand it hangs with the whole band and sounds great without bringing down the house.
I've haven't swapped a 12" in yet as I'm not sure what will sound good with it. I can't really justify buying a lot of different 12" to try and experiment.
I do have an old electro voice I could try but think it'll take away some of the speaker breakup, but that's the plan at the moment.
Yeah I got my silverface Deluxe Reverb from the States. It had the selectable export transformer, but proved a bit of a nightmare as someone had rewired it for US voltage then cost a bunch of cash to get put back to normal.
BacchusPaul wrote:I haven't listened to it, and it's probably very nice, but I don't like it.
It's not what Marshall are about. Massive stacks. Trouser flapping gain. face melting volume, and belly worrying forcefulness.
inclined to agree, although i did listen. they could have at least offered it in a switching mode between 15 - 5 or 7w. the nice thing about having the extra wattage is the ability to do both small gigs/practices AND the bedroom. paying shit tons of money for something that can't leave your house is fucking idiotic.