Jazzmaster masters, some neck questions for you.
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:11 pm
First question is about neck thickness. I have a MIJ Jaguar whose neck is noticeably thinner (more comfortable for me) than the CIJ and MIM Jaguar necks, which are rounder and more hand-filling ime. I've not played an AVRI, but if you know where this might fit in than I'd like to know. My MIJ and CIJ Jagmaster follow this trend also, but not as dramatically. The body on the MIJ Jaguar seems a bit thinner and lighter, too. Do the Jazzmasters follow this trend also or are the neck thicknesses the same between MIJ, CIJ, MIM, and MIA? Anyone have an MIJ Jaguar with a thicker neck? Did I just happen to get a thin one by luck? I remember reading about the same observations here though.
Would a Strat neck bolt up flush to a Jazzmaster pocket? Any gaps or intonation problems? I've got a thin Warmoth Strat neck here that hasn't found a home just yet. If this works maybe it'd be cheaper to just buy the body and parts online?
Lastly, are there any little differences I should be aware of between MIJ, CIJ and MIA? I know the obvious stuff, like basswood for most MIJ's, pickup quality, vibrato bottoming out on MIJ/CIJ. Little things like how the MIJ Jaguars have a copper shielding plate whereas the CIJ's don't; things like that I may not be aware of with Jazzmasters.
Would a Strat neck bolt up flush to a Jazzmaster pocket? Any gaps or intonation problems? I've got a thin Warmoth Strat neck here that hasn't found a home just yet. If this works maybe it'd be cheaper to just buy the body and parts online?
Lastly, are there any little differences I should be aware of between MIJ, CIJ and MIA? I know the obvious stuff, like basswood for most MIJ's, pickup quality, vibrato bottoming out on MIJ/CIJ. Little things like how the MIJ Jaguars have a copper shielding plate whereas the CIJ's don't; things like that I may not be aware of with Jazzmasters.