I recently got my first Jag and put 11s on it and frankly I don't experience a lot of difference in feel from my JM. I would even say that the Jag feels stiffer.
Also in comparison with my tele with 10s the Jag definitely has stiffer action....
I would say it makes a good difference, I notice the slinky feelings on all of the jags I've played in shops with whimpy 9s. Especially on the 22" duo sonic I had, 12s on that felt about the same as 10s on a 25.5" scale
It definitely does. 9s are unplayable on a shortscale guitar like a Mustang, 10s are marginal.
As for Jaguars and Jazzmasters, teh effect is more limited because the trems are set so far back from the bridge and the nut. I play 11s on my Jaguar and also did on my Telecaster when I had it, because I like a bit of fight in my strings, mainly to compensate for my appalling fretting.
Mike wrote:It definitely does. 9s are unplayable on a shortscale guitar like a Mustang, 10s are marginal.
Man, I've been playing 9's on my Mustang for over 20 years. It's totally fine with them. I even had 9's on that Mexican Duo, and there was no problem even tuned down to B.
i use 11-48s on 24" and 25.5" scales and they feel comfortable on both. i definitely wouldn't use anything lower than that on a shortscale. when i had my silvertone i used 13-56s or something like that, but it was tiny.
Earnie ball heavy bottom skinny top on everything for me and it all plays great.
9's on a duo reissue is ridiculous. Even with the heavy bottoms on there I couldn't get proper string tension from that thing until I modded it to have a string through body.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
mezzio13 wrote: I even had 9's on that Mexican Duo, and there was no problem even tuned down to B. Unless you count going wildly out of tune when fretting or strumming.
Does anyone use heavier than 10s on Japanese Jags and Jazzmasters? I've heard that the spring is too weak to set up the vibrato locking system properly.
Mityushikha wrote:Does anyone use heavier than 10s on Japanese Jags and Jazzmasters? I've heard that the spring is too weak to set up the vibrato locking system properly.
I think it was aen who put .011-.070s on his Jag. Seemed to work fine.
theshadowofseattle wrote:less being WOKE
more being STOKED