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(Old) new guitar day....Clear acrylic & Tele content!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:29 pm
by Dave
Following a previous thread on Wesley guitars i picked up this beauty for about £75 with P&P. Here's some pics for now and will post some info later on:


Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:49 pm
by stewart
i have memories of that thing weighing an absolute ton!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:11 pm
by Joey
Acrylic guitars are awesome.

Anybody got pictures of that Mustang with etched competition stripes on it. I remember seeing it on a few years ago.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:20 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
love that tele. what's the story on it?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:34 pm
by Dave
stewart wrote:i have memories of that thing weighing an absolute ton!
Yep heavier than my mates thunderbird bass! needs a No 1 Stretch strap to be comfortable and i really like the weight oddly. It needed a hell load of setting up and quite a bit of work on the nut. You can tell some of it is dirt cheap parts and labour but I've got it playing super slinky like I like now. Originally got just to keep the body but until money allows it does fine as it is.

The Tele is a cheap no-name copy - the type companies buy and stick their own name on. My dad gave it to me for 20 quid and it's a good player! the neck is almost the same profile as my strat - sort chunky C shape with a ridge in the middle. Again don't think the electrics are super good - the selector switch bends really easily! Currently strung with GHS 11-70 Boomers. they work great on the physical guitar but those pickups don't really do much for the strings - think it needs beefier receivers!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:51 pm
by paul_
I think that's so cool looking, the acrylic purple strat. Cool pics too 8)

I also been rockin' a logo-less white tele with 11s on it for testicular supplement lately.

Although they're quite expensive, I'll never recommend a tele bridge pickup to anyone apart from the AV '62 custom again. You can get 'em on eBay for not much more than a used Duncan or something... I think I paid $70 for mine, not sure how they fare in the UK. Beef galore, even with lighter strings (tried it with 10s first)

That and a twisted tele (the baja's neck pickup, which has extra tall magnets and enough clarity) makes for one seriously tough tele...but as the baja pickups aren't sold on their own like the AV pickup I ended up paying even more for that one.
You could always get a GFS alnico cheapo and remove the cover.. they've made it quite easy to do on those, not as much wax potting, pre-insulated coils so you won't nick 'em with a screwdriver, etc...

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:58 pm
by Dave
Cheers Paul! Will certainly look into those ideas when cashola allows. I suspect I'll get some shit for this but I'm kinda tempted to do a jeff beck to it:


It's white with a mint guard at the moment but needs something to lift it up a bit...

maybe Jimmy?


Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:33 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
<3 tele's with contours. that would be lusch.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:05 pm
by Dave
hotrodperlmutter wrote:<3 tele's with contours. that would be lusch.
Cannot get this image to show but follow the link it shows the back contours - looks really coo to me!

Jeff beck butt curves

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:00 pm
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:36 pm
by Markn951