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UK $99 Duosonic buyers and Hurb. Please check

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:07 am
by mickie08
I am so over dealing with these at this point.....

I was informed by letter this afternoon that all of the guitars that I shipped to England are now sitting back at the PO here in Temecula and marked undeliverable due to lack of proper postage. Here is the process I have gone through at this point....

Called USPS # and was quoted 65 a piece for postage (originally I was quoted close to 50 when this whole thing started)

Took guitars to post office and was turned away saying that the only delivery service they offered for that size package was overnight/express at about $150

Called USPS # back at home and was told that was incorrect and told the proper shipping type. Also told that online payment was available and was about $2 cheaper each.

Got online and entered in all the info for everyone and got a shiping quote of 63 and change each. I had to input weight and all dimensions into the webpage, so there should have been no surprises.

Scheduled a pick up and the guitars (6 duos and the mosrite copy for Hurb) were picked up.

Got a letter (no call or email even though they had both) about 4 weeks later after being sent saying that they were being held in New Jersey becuase the did not have proper postage.

Sent them an additional .96 per guitar.

Was told they would be sent on.

Confirmed that they were being sent on about 10 days ago or so after Mike checked on them

Got another letter today that the guitars had been sent back due to the improper postage and are now sitting in the Temecula post office.

Called local Post office and bitched for about 30 minutes today.


Here is the situation. The PO will re-deliver the order if that is what people want. OR, I will personally refund the money this coming week to whoever wants. Personally I am done with the USPS and would probably prefer to just refund money and either send the guitars back to MF/etc or sell locally. They will take them back as they are unopened and they sold them to me at a loss. I can then fight the USPS for a refund (which will likely take some time.) Anyways, I need to know what you guys want me to do. If there was another way to ship them I would but 2 issues with that. I have no guarnantee that I am going to get a refund from the post office, and they have offerred to re-deliver, but not to refund my money. Second, any alternate shipping places are double the cost or more for international shipping. So I am stuck either trying to reship these through USPS and cross fingers that they get there, or keep them here and deal with it. I just don't really care to deal with the USPS anymore, and since several people have already talked about possible selling/flipping them, I would prefer not to deal with the hassle of shipping. Either way, I leave it all up to you guys. Please post your request in this thread and I will do whatever.

Also, anyone with any doubts/questions feel free to PM me. I will pm back a posted section of my bank acct showing the online payment to USPS for anyone that feels wronged.Also, instead of PMing everyone involved I just started a thread. I did this both to avoid re-typing the whole thing over and over again, and so that the whole board knows what's up in case anyone has issues.

The following are the UK buyers.
Hurb (Mosrite copy)

Lastly, I apologize for all the issues. Though somewhat out of my control, I still feel bad that what started out as a cool thing has turned into a total clusterfuck. While it did take me awhile to get them to the PO (between pstage changes and my knee), it has now been going on 2 months since they were sent out and now they are back here in my local PO. Also, for Noire I will also refund the cost of the pickguard if that is the route we end up going. I am sure I can either get use out of it, or flip it here at close enough to cost.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:32 am
by bassintom
Christ, sorry to hear everything turned to crapola on you.Hope everything works out.I've no doubt these guys will be understanding.Anyway it works out you're still getting the shitty end of the stick.

And right before Christmas....Nobody needs a hit like that before the holidays.If you need help or something just ask.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:42 am
by mickie08
I'm not worried about the hit at all. I just want to make sure everyone gets their $ back. I can return the guitars to MF at what I paid (I already found out) and will probably get my shippiung charges back as well, but it may tae some hassling and time. Or I can try to re-sell them all here but unlaoding 6 at once will ind of dampen the market for them I would think. Anyways, as said, I would probably prefer to just refund the $ and deal with it from there but if people want me to send them off again I will.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:29 am
by hotrodperlmutter
god damn, what a dick pull.

i hate shipping anything with the USPS, let alone overseas, to some fucking bros. what a hassle. luckily they all know you're a stand up dude, and won't be sending Fran 'cross shores to break your knee caps, all arrival like.

did you break them down, like neck from body?

hope it all resolves and no one loses on this deal. good luck to all.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:32 am
by mickie08
thats what I was afraid of. Some big dude named Fran showing up at my house and beating the shit out of me with a jagstang shaped club.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:13 am
by TheBurbz
You were shipping them with the necks still attached?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:20 am
by mickie08
yeah I was. I wanted to keep the guitars new/unopened. At the time, with the cheap price, the fact that I was originally qouted $50 for shipping to UK, and the exchange rate at the time, it was still pretty cheap to do for the people over there. But then the shipping charges were incorrect twice... Add in some stupid USPS people, and then this thing snowballed into a huge mess.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:21 am
by Mike
Firstly: this is fucking ridiculous and I'm pretty much hopping mad.

I don't understand our choices. They are willing to take them from you exactly as they are now and they'll ship fine this time? Why would we believe that would happen? I'm confused as hell.
I think you should drop all the necks from them, it's clearly what is causing the issue. But I guess they won't let you have the parcels back and then ship them again without more money exchanging hands.

At this stage I just want the guitar, so please ship it, but it sounds like you can't be arsed. So just refund me the money payments I sent you I guess.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:52 am
by mickie08
Mike. check PM.

I will re-ship for people.

Alot of people were not as excited about these a couple weeks down the road and were already talking about trading/selling/flipping/etc. Also, with the holidays, some people may actually prefer that cash back right now rather than take another risk with the USPS.

With me getting ready to go back in for more surgery here soon, refunding everyone just gets it off my plate right away as oppossed to me having to follow up with everyone while laid up. although this coming surgery is technically less serious than my first one, the recovery may be a bit worse. So getting ahold of me the next 2 months or so may be very hit or miss. Rather than disappear on everyone with this still up in the air, I am offering to refund out of my pocket for those who are willing or who prefer it. The others I will ship out. Then I can deal with attempting to get USPS refund/etc on my own time.

But, those who want the guitars reshipped will get it.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:21 am
by Mike
As I said in PM, I don't need this guitar, I was keen to muck about and mod one but it's not the be all and end all and I have fuckloads on my plate at the moment.

So if you can recoup your outlay for mine easily enough then I will take a refund, thanks for all the work you put in mate. It is appreciated.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:43 am
by Fran
Due to some recent difficulties personally I think I'm going to opt for the refund mickie.
I'm really pissed this has happpened but feel bad for you, if you can make some profit with a local sale to cover some of the hassle you have had it would make me feel much better.
I'll pm you later when I get home from work if you need me to clarify paypal details.
Once again, thanks for doing your best to make this happen.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:53 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
flip that shit mickie!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:57 pm
by Mike
Also, you should PM Hurb as he is rarely online.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:04 pm
by mickie08
will do. (as far as PM'n hurb)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:17 pm
by TheBurbz
If by any chance you happen to get stuck with a Duo that nobody wants then I'll gladly take it off your hands, obviously I'll cover all costs.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:26 pm
by Fran
I've told Mickie i'd prefer the refund so have mine if Mickie is prepared to ship it over here again.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:54 pm
by mickie08
just to give everyone a headsup and avoid 50 PM's back and forth, I am not shipping to any new buyers. If someone locally wants one, I Am OK with them meeting me or picking one up, but we are going to have to discuss price as unless USPS does give me a cash refund, I am lokking at closer to 200 invested in these at this point.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:31 pm
by dots
sorry to hear about this, mickie. if i had funds, i'd take one off your hands, but alas. . .

and i'm definitely sorry for all the international buyers not getting what they bought. eff the usps.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:38 pm
by crofty
TheBurbz wrote:If by any chance you happen to get stuck with a Duo that nobody wants then I'll gladly take it off your hands, obviously I'll cover all costs.
same here!!
let me know if you have any left over.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:42 pm
by Thom
crofty wrote:
TheBurbz wrote:If by any chance you happen to get stuck with a Duo that nobody wants then I'll gladly take it off your hands, obviously I'll cover all costs.
same here!!
let me know if you have any left over.
mickie08 wrote:just to give everyone a headsup and avoid 50 PM's back and forth, I am not shipping to any new buyers. If someone locally wants one, I Am OK with them meeting me or picking one up, but we are going to have to discuss price as unless USPS does give me a cash refund, I am lokking at closer to 200 invested in these at this point.