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Mustang-Warmouth neck

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:41 am
by Tom356
I am new to the forum after having browsed around here for a couple of months.
I've been after a mustang of any sort for a while now and was wondering if i could get an opinion of one i found on ebay. The competition stripe on the body and the hotrails lead me to believe it used to belong to a member of the forum (fran).
Also i was wondering if anybody had any experience with warmouth necks? I'm not sure whether the fact this has one is appealing or not.


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:46 am
by crofty
theres one on ebay right now!! i was considering getting it though ... K:MEWAX:IT

ive no experience of warmouth necks though.

edit: my bad, thought you were looking for one, rather than talking about one :P

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:04 am
by Tom356
crofty wrote:
edit: my bad, thought you were looking for one, rather than talking about one :P
I am looking for one, I posted the link at the bottom of my post of the same mustang. I arranged to go down to Birmingham today to buy a 69RI off a guy but hes made no contact with me since I asked him for an address.
I was asking around on here whether this would be a good purchase despite not having the original neck

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:16 pm
by stewart
that does look like fran's old one, he got the neck from mike originally, so i'm sure one of them could tell you more about it.

Re: Mustang-Warmouth neck

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:16 pm
by weeping_moon
Tom356 wrote:I am new to the forum after having browsed around here for a couple of months.
I've been after a mustang of any sort for a while now and was wondering if i could get an opinion of one i found on ebay. The competition stripe on the body and the hotrails lead me to believe it used to belong to a member of the forum (fran).
Also i was wondering if anybody had any experience with warmouth necks? I'm not sure whether the fact this has one is appealing or not.

the neck looks like a fender mustang neck, so i dont see the reasons why you wouldnt buy it.. i mean 250 dollars for it? its cheap!!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:40 pm
by Tom356
Well in the description it says that its a warmouth neck so its not original.
And don't forget pounds in the UK!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:49 pm
by weeping_moon
Tom356 wrote:Well in the description it says that its a warmouth neck so its not original.
And don't forget pounds in the UK!
looks pretty nice anyway.. :D
but to be sure, you would have to play it.. and see how it feels!
its always a little risky buying things from ebay.

okay so the price was in pounds! then i understand..

buy a new one from
its a reissue, but what the hell, then you know what youre gonna get for youre money! ... ng&x=0&y=0

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:08 pm
by TheBurbz
I love Warmoth necks, I have one on my Jaguar. I think Mike didn't like that neck because of the compound radius i.e. the radius goes from 10" to 16".

BTW, it's WarMOTH.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:47 pm
by Tom356
Ah right ok warMOTH.
Well i've no need to worry about this anymore. My original plan followed through and now I have a lovely 69RI in my hands as we speak!
The headmasters ritual never sounded so good!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:03 pm
by dots
the reissues are nice, too, and usually a fair bit cheaper than the vintage.

welcome to the forums!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:10 pm
by Tom356
Ah thank you glad to finally be on here.
And yeah I think I got a pretty good deal on mine, second hand with a marshall mini stack for £300