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Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:05 am
by Ian
over to the dark side. I am going.

I need a bundle of plugins to use for mixing. Nothing fancy or weird. I want some replications of gear that is actually used in real life and sees real results.

I was looking at this ..

and this

but maybe there is something cooler someone can point me in the direction of? I like the gold pack because of some of the maybe useful doubling, deessing, and verbs... but the URL pack might have better sounding eq and comps

I also need a good guitar and bass amp modeling plugin... I am looking at guitar rig. bueller?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:18 am
by Aeon
Many of these plugins have free trial versions.

Give Guitar Rig and Amplitube a try for amp modeling. For doing scratch takes, they are great.

IK Multimedia has a great reverb pack, but it is pricey. (At least if you get it legitimately...)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:58 am
by Johno
I use pod farm, very happy. Has loads of amp & effect sims for guitar & bass plus some stuff for vocals.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:36 pm
by Sloan
The Waves plugins are used all over the fucking place, but personally I didn't really like them when I used them. Everything I use now is free or nagware.

Amp Simulation
I use a lot of free stuff for guitar amp simulation. My favorite preamp is Wagner Sharp and Wagner Sharp II. I use those with Voxengo Boogex and load my own speaker impulses - which are from the power section of my Laney GH100TI Tony Iommi amp and wgs veteran 30's.

Download the free trial of Peavey's Revalver, I really liked it. You can also load your own impulses in it if you want to.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:04 am
by lank81
I'm not much of a fan of amp simulation but a very good plugin for mixing / mastering is Izotope Ozone. It's only 250$ and if you got a teacher in the family it's only 125$. Can't go wrong with that price for a nice set of plugins. Check it out as it is definitely worth while. I'd go to and check out some threads on there as there are a ton of engineers with their own tastes but some give great reviews of their setups.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:19 am
by toez10
digital fishphones has some of the best free plugins for mixing.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:02 pm
by Al_
Soundtoys apparently has some cool new plugins and a free 45 day demo or something like that. A buddy of mine has been using them and speaks real highly of them. I still have yet to check them out.