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Catalinbread DLS Rock Mode

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:51 am
by foll
Does it sound closer to Plexi bright channel or normal channel?

I know it's a stupid question, but my friend and I have debated on this the whole afternoon, and the funny part is we've never played a real plexi.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:44 am
by Progrockabuse
+1 i've never played a real plexi, something that will happen one day. the rock mode sound brighter than the DLS rawk mode, but i couldn't say wether it was like the bight or normal

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:48 pm
by foll
we went over and over again listening to the PGS Plexi demo, but we couldn't even figure out which input is which :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:04 pm
by Chicago Mike
It actually sounds nothing like the plexi I once had (87x). That thing was nice but was BRIGHT! That bright that would put the hurt on your ears after a bit which is why ultimately got rid of it.

I don't have a read DLS but clone and I'd say it's sort of an approximation but not really the same feel. The thing is when you get the plexi to that level of saturation (1.5 and up on my dial, no taper at all), you're pushing 4 12" speakers and it has a much different feel than my DLS Clone through a 1x10 or 2x12 fender.

Duno if that helped at all, but in my expeirence Plexi = Bright.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:49 am
by foll
Thanks! I really like the brightness and punch DLS @ 18V provides. Maybe it's time to try my hands at the real thing.
Chicago Mike wrote:It actually sounds nothing like the plexi I once had (87x). That thing was nice but was BRIGHT! That bright that would put the hurt on your ears after a bit which is why ultimately got rid of it.

I don't have a read DLS but clone and I'd say it's sort of an approximation but not really the same feel. The thing is when you get the plexi to that level of saturation (1.5 and up on my dial, no taper at all), you're pushing 4 12" speakers and it has a much different feel than my DLS Clone through a 1x10 or 2x12 fender.

Duno if that helped at all, but in my expeirence Plexi = Bright.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:09 am
by paul_
Plexis and similar non-master volume Marshalls have two bass (II) and two treble (I) inputs. Running into one or the other is pretty much a no-go, as it'll either be too muddy or too bright. Most people jumper two of the four inputs together (one from I and one from II) with a patch cable, which allows you to use the "volume I" and "volume II" knobs to mix in brightness and bassiness for a balanced tone.
On those vintage modern Marshalls they had the "detail" and "body" knobs down on the right of the panel to mimic the vibe of those two volume knobs on jumpered, non-master volume Marshalls. Detail is like the bright, trebley input I of a plexi, and Body is like the bassy input II.