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Phase 90 or Small Stone?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:31 am
by Viljami
Which one do you prefer? Just bought a MXR Phase 90, since I got a decent deal on it. I was just wondering what do you, dear shortscalians prefer?

They're both classic and "basic", and as some say "similar". I do not know about the similarities between them, but I sure love my Phase 90.

SO, what do you think?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:40 am
by Thom
I've got the script Phase 90 on my board at the moment and it's really great. I used the Small Stone for a few years and really only got rid of it due to wanting to reduce the size of my pedalboard. Think that the Stone is a bit warmer and thicker sounding, but the Phase 90 is clearer and more articulate.
I like them both.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:48 am
by johnnyseven
I have a Custom Shop Phase 90 with LED, I bought it in New York for the equivalent of about 60 quid which was a bargain. It sounds amazing, I used to have a modern Phase 100 but that had a trebly sound that annoyed me which I couldn't get rid of. This Phase 90 sounds brilliant whatever you do with it - highly recommended. Never tried the Small Stone though, but I like this so much I don't feel I would need too.

The only down side was that this pedal made my Ibanez FL9 Flanger sound muddy, luckily when I was in San Francisco over Christmas I popped into GC and they had an ex-demo MXR EVH Flanger for exactly the amount I had in my wallet ($100), I was flying home that day so I needed to spend the money so the pedal was mine for about £60 - bargain.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:58 am
by Haze
Ive played the small stone, block and script phase 90s but do not use them in my rig. I have had the chance to compare them in person however.
Personally I would have the small stone, but in my mind the two have different uses. I would use a phaser for clean rythm sounds, others more likely for lead sounds with gain. It's nice and mellow and fits my applications better than a phase 90
The "block" logo phase 90 sounds dreadful to my ears, just too much high end and the shape of the waveform just isn't pleasant to my ears if that makes any sense. The script logo phase 90 sounds a lot smoother and warmer and is a close second to the small stone

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:35 pm
by Progrockabuse
i've owned a script phase 90 (now belongs to thom) and a small stone. out of the two, the phase 90 sounded thicker to me, more of pronounced mid range effect. i couldn't get on with the small stone. it sounded nice and trippy, but the volume drop tainted it for me. might pick up a nano small stone, they haven't got the volume drop and still sound like the bigger ones. i tend to use phaser to get a leslie esq swirl. the small stone does that better, as it's a bit subtler.

currently i'm using the guyatone phaser shifter, which sounds almost mid way between the two, with the benefit of a mix control.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:54 pm
by Will
I've occasionally jonesed for a Phase 90 or Phase 45 lately, but I really think the SS is better. In general, it's more subtle, which makes it far more useful.

Of course, the Stone can also get way more intense than the 90.