Mustang trem arm keeps falling off

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Mustang trem arm keeps falling off

Post by laamaposse »

Most likely the 1000th thread about the subject, but I wasnt able to find answer on my own..

So, I just got a shiny white Mustang! I got it out of the box, set the trem up (with the tips provided on this forum,) and put 11's in, I noticed that the screw that is supposed to keep the trem arm still, loosens pretty quickly and lets the arm fall off.

So, any clever tricks?
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Post by Addam »

How I did it

Loosen the screw.
Install trem arm
Tighten screw really tight
Rotate trem arm about it's axis (spin it around)
Tighten screw.

Do this a couple of times and the end of the screw wears a groove in the trem arm.
The groove stops the arm falling off.

I have done this twice (jagstang and bronco) and it worked for me.
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Post by TieDye »

He is complaining of the SCREW loosening. To fix this: Buy some blue locktite and put a small dap on the threads and run it back in, it'll keep the screw from loosening.
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Post by Ankhanu »

TieDye wrote:He is complaining of the SCREW loosening. To fix this: Buy some blue locktite and put a small dap on the threads and run it back in, it'll keep the screw from loosening.
Alternatively, you could put some teflon tape (used for water/air sealing screws) around the threads, it'll give it just a little extra stuff to stay in place.
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Post by Mages »

yeah do that ^ or put some standard automotive grease on it. please don't put locktite on it. what is with this trend of people telling you to glue shit in place on your guitar. I would hate to buy a guitar from any of you people.
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Post by kim »

wrap some (thin) tape around it
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Post by robroe »

just cover the entire guitar in elmers white glue. wait 20 minutes for it to set. then put some dap on the headstock. then when that dries, pour 2 whole cans of brown wood glue (doesn't matter what brand, whats important is the brownness) on the floor, then put your guitar on the floor in the glue and dont touch if for 3 days. then let the cats loose on it.

thats how you fucking fix the trem arm.
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Post by izodiak »

robroe wrote:just cover the entire guitar in elmers white glue. wait 20 minutes for it to set. then put some dap on the headstock. then when that dries, pour 2 whole cans of brown wood glue (doesn't matter what brand, whats important is the brownness) on the floor, then put your guitar on the floor in the glue and dont touch if for 3 days. then let the cats loose on it.

thats how you fucking fix the trem arm.
works wonders.
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Post by Leisureclub »

To be fair, blue loctite isn't exactly glue. I've never used any of that stuff on a guitar(noob skillz only) but I've never had any problems with the blue stuff not coming loose when needed in automotive applications.
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Post by TieDye »

mage wrote:yeah do that ^ or put some standard automotive grease on it. please don't put locktite on it. what is with this trend of people telling you to glue shit in place on your guitar. I would hate to buy a guitar from any of you people.
Blue locktite is NOT glue. It just makes the threads a little stickier. RED locktite would make it a permament almost deal. How do I know? Cuz I use the stuff on my harley all the time. And, I am a guitar tech, so I do know when it's use is appropriate.
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Post by Reece »

I'm sorry but telling everyone you're a guitar tech is annoying as all get out.

If your knowledge is solid enough (and it may well be) then it doesn't matter if you're a guitar tech or a crab fisherman.

I could tell everyone I'm a web designer because I've made a handful of websites for people. Technically correct but not any sort of justification for any advice I could give on the subject.

Now to completely 180, I might have to look into that stuff. The arm on my mustang stays in for exactly one second of usage before going completely loose and it's quite annoying.
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Post by TieDye »

Reece, it sounds to me like you need to put your attitude away. I am a certified luthier and I've been one for over 28 years. I make a living at it. You, on the other hand are a wanna be. Most intelligent people seek the opinion of a qualified person to help them with their guitar issues. I get paid for my help. If I'm kind enough to offer help here, you should be glad to take it. If your trem arm screw keeps loosening, put a drop of BLUE locktite on it, and run the screw in to where it needs to be, let it set overnight to be sure it's set up, and check it in the morning. The screw will not loosen until you loosen it. The stuff is NOT super glue, so no worry. There, that's my pro advice for you. Give it a try and you'll see that if you do what I told you to do, you will be greatful. Go find the other post where I'm helping the guy get rust off his parts... He's been thankful. :roll:
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Post by Leisureclub »

Reece wrote: Now to completely 180, I might have to look into that stuff. The arm on my mustang stays in for exactly one second of usage before going completely loose and it's quite annoying.
I'd tread lightly. While there is a huge difference between blue(says the screw can be removed on the bottle) and red(says it's really tough to remove the screw on the bottle) the blue stuff is still pretty sticky. You also have to be cognizant of the label. Real loctite bottles are both red, fine print is really the difference. I'd also make damn sure you're using good screws and the right size screw driver. I don't want to sound insulting, because I'm new here and don't "know" anybody but I've made the mistake of using red instead of blue before and it caused some major headaches.

If the screw your using's head is just a little stripped and you use the wrong loctite and your universal phillips head screw driver is just a shake big, you could easily ruin a bridge. I'd try plumbing tape first, honestly.
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Post by TieDye »

Good point. Reece both bottles are red, make sure you are buying the BLUE version. Plumber's tape should not be used. You know why? Because it peels off and then does not work and it leaves the shredded stuff down in there and you'll eventually have to tear it apart to clean it. USE a drop of blue locktite and let it dry as I said above.
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Post by Reece »

I'm being thankful for the information.

It's great that you're a luthier and have a ton of experience and I respect that but if Mike started telling everyone he's got a Master's and is a Senior Design Engineer whenever he gave electronics advice it'd wear a bit thin.

The information should stand by itself. When someone validates a piece of information by saying "well it's definitely right because I do this" I instantly think "well no it's not because if your information is correct it'll speak for itself." I think it's something I've learned from being a student since someone'll take a semester of psychology and declare themselves a psychologist.

But yeah, I have tried electrial tape on the arm previously and it just turned into a sticky mess. Currently mulling over a possible trade for my Mustang but if I keep the thing I'll get down my local Arco and see if they've got any loctite.
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Post by frorangejuice »

Tell it "You won't".
Then it will.
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Post by Mages »

TieDye wrote:Reece, it sounds to me like you need to put your attitude away. I am a certified luthier and I've been one for over 28 years. I make a living at it. You, on the other hand are a wanna be. Most intelligent people seek the opinion of a qualified person to help them with their guitar issues. I get paid for my help. If I'm kind enough to offer help here, you should be glad to take it.
oh indeed. but check this out; this is an internet forum, everyone has an equal claim to share their opinion. if you want to go somewhere on the internet where you can spout your knowledge and people will gulp it down hole, no questions asked, start your own website or blog. in a forum everything is open to discussion, people may question what you have say. nothing we can really do about that, that's kind of just the nature of the internet, it puts everyone on an equal level. if you truly have exceptional experience and knowledge people will pick up on it from the content of your posts and learn to respect your opinion just fine without you having to wave your credentials in people's face.

so far you've shown to have a good amount of knowledge, and I stand corrected on what I said about the loctite. just chill a little, if you really have the experience you've claimed you shouldn't need to force your opinion on anyone, your posts will stand for themselves.
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Post by iCEByTes »

if you can change the screw per an Inox screw
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Post by Bacchus »

TieDye wrote:Reece, it sounds to me like you need to put your attitude away. I am a certified luthier and I've been one for over 28 years. I make a living at it. You, on the other hand are a wanna be.
Fuck off.
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Post by Reece »

huh, i never noticed the wanna be bit before.
a wanna be what? a wanna be tubescreamer cloner? fuck no. a wanna be luthier? nope, i wouldn't ever let myself near woodworking tools or anyone else's guitar with them.

a wanna be cunt? i'm already one of them.

i am a cunt with a decidedly normal sized head though. i imagine double doors still give you a little trouble with yours.

alright, i'm going to to stop talking to him now because this could go on forever.