NGD: FREE Guitar

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Freddy V-C
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NGD: FREE Guitar

Post by Freddy V-C »

Today I accquired my girlfriend's Superstrat type thing. She only ever plays acoustic so this has just been gathering dust. The headstock says 'Keiper' which I'm not familiar with, but she says her uncle's friend built it so that could explain that.

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First impressions:
I love the neck. The bridge pickup is nice and biting, middle is a lot thicker-sounding than single coils I've used before, but still with quite a lot of hum, neck pickup is a little quiet and bland, but sounds great together with the middle pickup. Not too keen on the Floyd-Rosey thing, but I'm liking the weird upward bends I can do. Haven't had chance to try it with my pedals yet, but it sounds snazzy with amp distortion. Pretty ace considering it was free!

Needs a restring and some general TLC. I'll probably use this to practice for my Jagmaster mods.