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Danophobe TOB V2 FAIL

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:34 pm
by Dave
HHmm GMD has done an a/b with V1 and V2 and, given the limitations of youtube, it's pretty obvious that V2 doesn't come close to V1. I'm not sure its even fair to say it's just 'different' Dull, flat, deadening WTF where my sustain go? Hmmmm. In the second half of the vid the V2 starts to sound great when he maxes the bass (i think) so perhaps its not all bad.:


Oddly GMD likes V2 more...possibly to deflect people Timmywards.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:56 pm
by lorez
I watched this sometime ago and thought that they were 2 totally different effects and like you said BCB, once he maxed out the bass it sounded pretty good. You could definitely have both for different tonalities if you wanted. I wasn't surprised GMD said he prefered v2 though as he tends to prefer that sound on him other demo's.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:02 pm
by chisa
i wonder if this guy knows that other effects other than overdrive are available

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:11 pm
by Dave
chisa wrote:i wonder if this guy knows that other effects other than overdrive are available

Done over 500 vids he has. Many different types has he reviewed, yeeeeees!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:19 pm
by chisa
Black Cat Bone wrote:
chisa wrote:i wonder if this guy knows that other effects other than overdrive are available

Done over 500 vids he has. Many different types has he reviewed, yeeeeees!
yeah 95% of it is tubescreamers

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:24 pm
by Reece
actually i'd say he does about the same if not more fuzzes than overdrives.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:27 pm
by chisa
Reece wrote:actually i'd say he does about the same if not more fuzzes than overdrives.
yeah, as long as they are green and say ibanez tube screamer on them :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:30 pm
by Reece

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:14 pm
by less_cunning
GMD does a good job.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:26 pm
by Dave
less_cunning wrote:GMD does a good job.
Its true okay theres room for improvement but for the sheer scope and the fact he a/b's similar or comparitive pedals...which is really what anyone would want if wanting to get a 'type' of pedal or at least i would. Lets assume hes demoed over 500 pedals in these over 500 videos that must be quite a good share of the boutique and not so boutique market available so if most are like TSers then maybe that reflects the market more than GMD. Maybe I am wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:04 am
by less_cunning
it's almost like saying if one demos pedals one has to demo the broad range of them. is that like a law or something. there are all these niches in the market. so why not focus on ONE NICHE. a narrow scope makes sense.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:21 am
by johnnyseven
Gearmandude is awesome, mainly because if i'm interested in buying a pedal there is a pretty good chance that he's done a demo of it which I can find on YouTube.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:19 pm
by ekwatts
He's alright, but I find him an insufferable prick all the same. I don't know why. It's a combination of his accent, attitude, snakeskin fucking boots, and the way he seems to jerk off all over his shit.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:33 pm
by benecol
How dare he be American, wear showy shoes, and enjoy his pedals which make his guitars make ace noises.

EKWatts: you are being a right fucking curmudgeon lately. Do your diss and cheer up.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:42 pm
by johnnyseven
It's a bit rough criticising someone by their accent, he can't help the way he talks.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:35 pm
by ekwatts
Yes he can.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:15 pm
by avj
I bet he doesn't even pronounce "solder" correctly.

I dig his comparison reviews -- particularly the EHX ones where he compares XO models to their earlier counterparts. I've never even seen him demo a TS.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:54 pm
by ekwatts
avj wrote:I bet he doesn't even pronounce "solder" correctly.

I dig his comparison reviews -- particularly the EHX ones where he compares XO models to their earlier counterparts. I've never even seen him demo a TS.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:56 pm
by stewart
lol... he sounsd like jack black.. lol

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:17 pm
by less_cunning
i'm not buying this pedal anyway. used or otherwise.