365 day Photo project and random shots

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365 day Photo project and random shots

Post by Ankhanu »

May as well share some of the pictures I've been taking with shortscale! I'm posting my images to my livejournal account, including stuff from about years ago to, well, today. I'm no pro, but I do enjoy the process.

I'm working on a 365 Photo project, taking/posting at least one photo a day for a year, which I started on my birthday. So far I'm up to #53; #54 coming later today, and it's been a pretty sweet experience. I hadn't been taking many photos for about a year before I started this, and I'm really glad to be making use of my camera... the fucker cost a lot of money.

My gear includes:
.: Olympus C-765 Ultra-Zoom, 4MPx (mostly on older shots)
.: Nikon D80 (Most of the current shots)
--- Nikkor 18-135mm kit lens
--- Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
--- Nikkor SB-800 flash
--- 52mm filter reversing ring (fits the 50mm lens)
.: iPhone (sometimes the only camera on hand :P )
.: Slik Pro 400DX tripod
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Post by johnniespring »

some good photos there.
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Post by spacejam »

I started this project but didn't get past the first two weeks.

<3 livejournal
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Post by Ankhanu »

Thanks, Johnnie. I really let my skills die for a while, so I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully they'll get better through the year :)
spacejam wrote:I started this project but didn't get past the first two weeks.

<3 livejournal
Heh, yeah, it takes some effort to keep it up. Both yesterday's and the day before's are examples of me going "Oh shit... I have to take a picture" at 11:45PM and just shooting SOMETHING :P