My friend is getting his first electric guitar and I wanted to help him out. He has £220 though probably doesn't want to spend it all. I'm not sure. I'll ask him later and inform you. He is getting an Encore Blaster Series Les Paul-Style (Cherry Sunburst) for 101 pounds ( ... urst-.html ) and wants a decent amp for not too much. Can you help?
Vox Pathfinder 10 seems like a great amp to start out playing through. Having played through one for the first time recently I wished that I'd had one to start with, rather than a Marshall MG10CD (those are awful). I think they usually cost about £80/90.
it's a tight budget for an amp if you want one that can function as a rehearsal amp too not just a private practice bedroom amp, you'll have to stick with solid state but i guess when starting out it's safer anyway later on you can always check out valve amps if you want. just make sure (as a solid state) it has enough volume to keep up with a drumkit (especially for overdriven and cleans). 30w solid state might be a bit too weak but getting a cheap amp that is 100 or 120w is not always the best solution either, look at somewhere between 50/60w i think...
i've no personal experience with this vox but check youtube and test them at shops
He'll probably have a hard time competing with a drum kit, but at least, he'll have a few effects to mess around with...
I used to own the 30W version of these and was pleasantly surprised at how good they sounded. If you conduct a Shortscale search for "Vox Valvetronix", you should pull up a number of good reviews from fellow board members.
That's the best I can think of, provided the budget limitations.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
if you're looking for practice amps there are plenty good options, starting from Vox Pathfinder, through Peavey Vypr and the small Vox modelling amps to Fender Champion. But for a giggable amp, that's way too little money I guess. Maybe you can find something used.
id try and get a used yamaha pacifica and with the rest a used vox pathfinder
who ever its for is more likely to be put off playing by a guitar thats difficult to play
rather than a quiet amp
a 112 came into our local music shop for like 80 squids
i couldnt belive how well the thing played