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fao boris geeks

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:11 pm
by kim
pub or fx section , i wasn't sure.

no idea how recent this is, dwarfcraft is not on there so it must be from smile days or something ? i didn't like that album, just sounds like a mess to me, but the gear stuff is cool. atsuo uses a 26" bass drums ? hahaha. ... boris.html

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:13 pm
by Peter Bond
I'd never really listened to these until today like. I've seen stuff about them and that they are held in quite high regard. I'm getting quite into it so thanks for that.

Looking through that gear list sort of cements the need for me to bite the bullet and get a big muff (or decent fuzz) really. As they are using a bass/guitar double neck do they run that into one type of amp at a time (like both into guitar amps) or is it split outputs?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:03 pm
by kim
i've only seen them using a double necked bass/guitar (takeshi) and guitar (wata), never two double necked guitars.
it's not always the same amp setup, on the wizard's convention dvd wata just uses a matamp into two orange cabs but then i've seen setups where one of her amps is a matamp with orange bass cab and sometimes ampeg bass cab, and the other is an orange top with orange guitar cabs, it's confusing. always changes. so bass cab for the cleans i presume, but i'm not even sure, makes sense using a bass cab for cleans but it could also be used for dirty.
i don't think it's like simon of comanechi using a trace eliott bass amp into a bass cab and a hiwatt top and cab both at the same time with a guitar (they're a two piece, running both bass and guitar amps makes it sound fuller i guess). but i think with boris they're not used at the same time and it's constant switching.

check this thradd :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:58 pm
by Rayjaysonic
That black and white double necked thing looks very much like a Ricki. Same body shape, triangular fret inlays, cool looking thing. Would change the pick-up on the bass though, split single can be bit limited in tone selection.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:35 pm
by kim

i like the idea of a p bass style pickup in there.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:33 pm
by Rayjaysonic
Never got on with the Precisions, 4000 series or Jazz much more my bag (possibly a Musicman, but I would need to spend more time.....I would need to spend some time at the gym to lift one). Horses for courses I guess.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:55 am
by robert(original)
i guess they want to meetup with us(aen) so when they do i could get the full backing of what they use live and in the studio.
all i know is that they fucking rock my socks off.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:02 pm
by aen



and big muff.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:03 pm
by kim
i linked to that thar thrad foo' !

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:05 pm
by aen
It cannot be posted enough. Those pictures are better than sex.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:05 pm
by kim

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:21 pm
by endsjustifymeans
robert(original) wrote:i guess they want to meetup with us(aen) so when they do i could get the full backing of what they use live and in the studio.
all i know is that they fucking rock my socks off.
In order to properly document this on the blog, I feel as though I'll need to be in attendance for said meetup.
