I really like the interstellar overdriver but it seems like a big investment (seeing as I am only on saved pocket money and birthday money) so I was just wondering... Is it really worth the price? Death by Audio make some really interesting and aesthetically pleasing pedals but I don't want to feel like I am just paying for a pretty painted box with an overdrive circuit that is still good but not worth the money...
Anyone's opinions or suggestions as to other overdrive pedals available would be extremely appreciated
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
The one with the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggge Knob is the interstellar overdriver... or you could have serious knob action with this bad boy...
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
timhulio wrote:Only you can decide if it's worth it. The parts are worth £10, but if you like the way they sound...
Yeah I suppose, I'll go try one out when i'm london. I think Vintage and Rare guitars on Denmark street has some death by audio stuff. I'll make my decision in the shop and probably get one online...
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
timhulio wrote:Only you can decide if it's worth it. The parts are worth £10, but if you like the way they sound...
Yeah I suppose, I'll go try one out when i'm london. I think Vintage and Rare guitars on Denmark street has some death by audio stuff. I'll make my decision in the shop and probably get one online...
Booo... if you like it in the shop then buy it in the shop... they're a cool shop and should be supported.
timhulio wrote:Only you can decide if it's worth it. The parts are worth £10, but if you like the way they sound...
Yeah I suppose, I'll go try one out when i'm london. I think Vintage and Rare guitars on Denmark street has some death by audio stuff. I'll make my decision in the shop and probably get one online...
Booo... if you like it in the shop then buy it in the shop... they're a cool shop and should be supported.
I think I may do that now! They have the cheapest price I can find anywhere in europe!
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
othomas2 wrote:Good man, I do like V&R.... if the Denmark St. continues to staffed almost hegemoneously by a mixture of idiots and cunts then we may not have any guitars shops left to demo stuff in.
othomas2 wrote:haha I hate denmark street... but that is one shop that's left that I get vaguely excited about stepping in to. Maybe Wunjo too...
I dislike most of the shops on denmark street. I have never been in v and r so it will be my first time next time i'm in london. I'm a big fan of wunjo, friendliest staff in the world.
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
i don't own any DBA pedals but i have heard good things about the I-O Deluxe. that & the the Robot 1 would be the only DBA pedals i would even remotely want to have. but i would not want to buy 1 either--
i do like the design of some of their pedals &i really love pedals that have minimalist, almost industrial designs in general. near bare enclosures. but at the same time i don't base buying a pedal on what it looks like either. some ppl do & i don't think that should not necessarily be discounted.
guess he's also discounting the price of a soldering iron (+ solder, solder sucker, desolder braid...) drill/drill press, work bench, bread board, alligator clips & all the other TOOLS (wire cutter, needle nose pliers, wire snips) & whatever else ONE needs to actually make a pedal. not even talking about the cost of an USED oscilloscope.
othomas2 wrote:Good man, I do like V&R.... if the Denmark St. continues to staffed almost hegemoneously by a mixture of idiots and cunts then we may not have any guitars shops left to demo stuff in.
They've always been nothing but nice to me in there I have to say. I turned up with Reece and wanted to try out the cheapest thing they had by miles; that Blackstar HT-5 head.
They gave me a 3 Grand Custom Shop Telecaster to play it with.
less_cunning wrote:guess he's also discounting the price of a soldering iron (+ solder, solder sucker, desolder braid...) drill/drill press, work bench, bread board, alligator clips & all the other TOOLS (wire cutter, needle nose pliers, wire snips) & whatever else ONE needs to actually make a pedal. not even talking about the cost of an USED oscilloscope.
seems like a bit more £10.
Making pedals is a piece of piss. A child could do it. Most boutique pedalling is experimentation with existing designs and a pinch of pure hackery. The gear you mentioned (you don't need an oscilloscope or a drill press- a hand drill is fine) can be got for fifty quid and is good for a making an brazzilion pedals. If you leave the enclosures unfinished except for a stencil you're also saving loads of time and money.
$320!?!? Nooo way. For a little bit more you can just buy a Bugera head. I've wasted way too much money on dirt boxes before realizing i needed a better amp.