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FAO Westtexasred: Kustom K200A on craigslist

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:08 pm
by Billy3000

How much did you pay for yours? This one looks to be in amazing condition but seems kinda outrageously priced. Also, I saw Vampire Weekend play on my birthday over the weekend and it just made me want one of the kustom basses even more!

Re: FAO Westtexasred: Kustom K200A on craigslist

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:56 pm
by westtexasred
Billy3000 wrote:link

How much did you pay for yours? This one looks to be in amazing condition but seems kinda outrageously priced. Also, I saw Vampire Weekend play on my birthday over the weekend and it just made me want one of the kustom basses even more!
I got mine on Ebay and I had to bid $820 to win it.At least the shipping was free. The one on craiglist looks minty. That is actually the K200B model but still pretty cool. They are fairly uncommon.Kustom only made 2,000-3,000 instruments including the basses.They sell for $600-$1300. There is a K200A on Ebay.It will be interesting to see what it sells for.

They are really nice guitars,all made in Chanute Kansas. The bodies are maple,the necks are very thin like a Mosrite and the pickups are made by DeArmond. The CL ad says it was made in '70 or '71 but that is incorrect. They only made these guitars in 1967 and 1968.


I love mine,even if it is a bit roadworn.Well worth the $820 I paid.


Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:19 pm
by westtexasred
There is another Kustom K200B on CL in Raleigh

Green K200B(Link)


Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:09 am
by robrtnickerson
I need to score one of these things, kansas pride and all. One like you have WTR. Hollowbody, single coils and a butterknife wang bar. Pretty much any guitar I seriously consider buying needs at least 2 out of those 3.