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Field report: dave's guitar, lacrosse WI

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:24 am
by aen
I told my son (5) that we could get him strings at the store by our house, or we ould go to the best guitars store IN THE WORLD.

He made the right choice, and we were off to LaCrosse! Didn't have a tremendous amount of time, so I had to get right to business. Jags. I played the cp (single coils, natch) the avri (briefly) and a thinskin.

The thing was so awesome. On par with my 69, maybe better actually, cause it had nice fresh frets, and a proper nut. The pickups sounded daaaamn riiiight. The neck had a nice amount o bass to it, and a pleasant snap/bite, even when down tuning the tens or whatever it was strung with. I ended up a/bing the cp and the thinskin. The cp was right up there, but did t seem to have the bite of the TS. It may have been just a case of old strings, the Cps strings were so old they were bent where they met the frets. Also it was about twice as heavy. The ts jag weighed 8.5 pounds, compared to the usual superheavy jag. The bridge pickup was good and cranky on both, without the dreaded "plunk" you get so often on jags and jazzys. The ts had a bit of buzz action on the saddles, but nothing a mustan bridge and a set of proper strings won't fix.

So I'm selling a bunch of shit and getting a thin skin jag. Hopefully that fiesta one I rocked today.

I also handled and strummed all the new cv squier teles and strats, and they all felt like a million bucks. Even if they came with no pickups at all they'd be a steal.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:34 am
by Nick
Parkway FINALLY got one of those '62 custom doublebounds in.....I played it and tried to like it but it was strung with 9s which threw me off...It looked and felt very nice strings aside.

Good luck on the thin skin. I've yet to play one myself.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:00 am
by lorez
the thin skin sounds great aen. It was good to hear the comparisons

As for the CV Customs they only need a string change and they are awesome guitars for the price.

edit: I'm loving this colour combo:



Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:54 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
nicely done, old pal.

i haven't seen the thinskins in fiesta, sounds pretty awesome. now you and roe will have the twinziez, basically. hot.

just for redundancy since lorez posted that wildwood pic:
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Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:05 pm
by Mages
hotrodperlmutter wrote:just for redundancy since lorez posted that wildwood pic:
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I think we should move the knobs up to a more jazzmaster location and throw in a rhythm circuit.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:19 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
what's all this we shit? :)

robog already maded the guard for me, and it doesn't have a rhythm circuit in it because i think they are lamez (i'm kidding, but i don't use it in my jag). if i move the knob placement, i'll have to make a jazz style route, and i kinda like the jag placement.

alas, this thread is not about my closeted project, it is about aen's great realization that he doesn't want that jag, or that other one, but he'll take that one.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:27 am
by Mages
hotrodperlmutter wrote:what's all this we shit? :)

robog already maded the guard for me, and it doesn't have a rhythm circuit in it because i think they are lamez (i'm kidding, but i don't use it in my jag). if i move the knob placement, i'll have to make a jazz style route, and i kinda like the jag placement.

alas, this thread is not about my closeted project, it is about aen's great realization that he doesn't want that jag, or that other one, but he'll take that one.
I know, but thread de-railing is the new hotness. the rhythm circuit is lame. that's why you have to do my funky fresh mod to it; make it work on both pickups. then it's actually pretty cool.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:44 pm
by mongoose69
Hey back to thread-iness here for a moment. Back in the 90's DAVE'S had the most wicked custom-color RICKENBACKERS all the time. Does he (do they) still do that stuff as well?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:14 pm
by aen
MI'M not very familiar with ricks, but they have the superspcialist versions of everything else, so I reckon they can at least get you a custom color rick.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:41 pm
by Dingus
AEN, I'm supposed to go up to La Crosse, I think it's La Crosse, for some Octoberfest thing (which is actually like the end of September). This place is called Dave's Guitars? I'll have to check it out