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Gretsch bass, Jaguar, Wang-stang, Kustom, and Lap Steel

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:36 am
by DGNR8
1949 Fender lap steel
Done! Playing it. Will have demo videos at upcoming blog. I has URL, but nothing poasted.

62 Gretsch bass WIP
I glued on the neck, replaced old binding with old binding chunks from White Falcon. Repaired little parts and cleaned dirt and oxidation from metal parts. The pickups were full of dead leaves. Srsly. The only things left are to put in frets and tuners, tailpiece, and leather back pad. I have all the parts, but need an arbor press and a larger drill bit. The tuner holes are barely bigger than guitar tuner holes!

WEEKEND UPDATE: Drilled larger holes for tuners, which was a cursed bastard, because the holes were in the 5/8 inch range, and the bit I bought was wobbling in the press. I saved some really terrible, irregular holes with my Dremel. I am even more convinced now what can be done using ingenuity, not just good tools and experience. I am trying to document all of it, but it's like filming a porno that you're IN and setting down the camera from time to time because you forget yourself. As an example, I was shining up the almost 50 year old lacquer and it started to gleam like brand new lacquer. Astonishing.

Wangstang and vintage Jaguar TEASER
These are curing. This Sprague cap orange wangstang came with parts, but different neck. The comp stripe lacks Rodvonbon quality, but continues all the way round, DGNR8 stylee. I had paint probs with both of these due to science fiction wind and pollen shit storms.
The copper tone Jaguar is vintage with new parts. It is a sweet vintage neck with light crazing in the finish on the back of the head. It was a blank 65, but is now stickered as a Jaguar.

Kustom K200 awaiting bridge and Bigsby--pics on the way!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:26 am
by stewart
the gretsch is looking deee-licious! how's the falcon coming along?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:55 pm
by cooter
That lap steel looks really nice. What color is that?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:18 pm
by mongoose69
Geez, I thought I was good at multitasking because I can drive, operate an ipod, and eat Mexican all at once. You da MAN! Keep us updated on that copper Jag, please!!!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:27 am
by DGNR8
Lap steel is blonde with slight amber tint. I was finally stringing up the XII and broke the B string because I didn't bother to read instructions. The strings are all at octaves until the B and E!

I am super multi tasking. It's not a good system. I am like locust.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:42 am
by hotrodperlmutter
copperguar is awesome.

splendid work as usual. i am also curious how the white falcon is progressing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:34 am
by cooter
DGNR8 wrote:Lap steel is blonde with slight amber tint.
That looks great. Looks like caramel. 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:42 am
by Pacafeliz
you are my hero!

let us see more wang!!! :P


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:19 am
by James
mongoose69 wrote:Geez, I thought I was good at multitasking because I can drive, operate an ipod, eat Mexican and endanger the lives of others all at once. You da MAN! Keep us updated on that copper Jag, please!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:01 am
by DGNR8
Over memo day I tried another burst on an old Mustang. Goddamn, it's hard to make that shit work. The red looks fine, but the black was speckled. I am going to try to fix it, or wipe it down and try again. If that doesn't work, I will use it as undercoat and paint the hell over it.

Sorry no demos yet. I am getting new cam.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:04 pm
by saf
that gretch bass sure looks sweet!