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Pics- Greg MacPherson &locals @St.Patrick'sMuseum, Sydne

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:50 am
by Ankhanu
Small venues make for the best music experiences. Greg MacPherson swung through town again on Sunday, playing an historic church-turned-museum here in Sydney, NS, Canada for an awesome show. He's still in town, technically, as my band will be playing with him tomorrow in a local bar, but that's beside the point ;) Greg is a powerful and intimate performer with incredible songwriting skills, with family connections to this area. His songs resonate amazingly well with the audience generating an intense experience that fills a venue. I took my camera along to snap a few shots (1.98Gb as it turned out).

Steve Fifield

The Roots & Rhythm Remain

Carleton Stone Drives the Big Wheel

Greg MacPherson

Technical junk - Camera: Nikon D80; Lens - Nikkor 50mm f1.8 and Nikkor 18-135mm f3.2-5.6; Average settings - f5, 1/40, ISO800, no flash

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:20 am
by DanHeron
Nice pics. Looks like a cool venue too!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:36 am
by SKC Willie
In the 4th picture there is a dude playing a Joe Strummer and a Jag bass; which as of a week ago was my main guitar and my main bass!


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:08 pm
by Ankhanu
DanHeron wrote:Nice pics. Looks like a cool venue too!
Yeah, it was my first time in that venue. It's small but has great character and acoustics! Super intimate.
portugalwillie wrote:In the 4th picture there is a dude playing a Joe Strummer and a Jag bass; which as of a week ago was my main guitar and my main bass!

Pretty sweet instruments. I find the relicing on the Strummer kinda shitty, but it does sound damn good.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:21 pm
by SKC Willie
Yeah. The relicing is no good but mine was painted a yellow color that looked a lot more realistic.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:47 pm
by bussche
G-Mac, as we affectionately refer to him around his hometown, is always great time. I saw him play a few weeks ago at the Winnipeg Folk Fest.

His bespectacled indie nerd bass player is a friend of mine and plays in a great local band "The Playing Cards:"

Here's a photo of him playing with them I took:


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:04 pm
by Ankhanu
We refer to him as G-Mac here in his other home town too ;) (This is where he's referring to in songs like Visitor and Company Store)
Greg's actually agreed to provide some vocals in the chorus to one of my bands' songs... I can't wait to hear the results.

Cole was pretty fantastic, certainly one of the best backing duos I've seen Greg play with (He's played with some solid players here, but these two really nailed the sets/feel). I was listening to Cole's more recent project, Cannon Bros. ( ) and was pretty into it... I hope they do some touring and come to the East Coast. I'll have to check out The Playing Cards. Thanks!