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widerange humbuckers?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:24 am
by hendrix1234
hello i have a question that hopefully someone can help me with
I just bought some japanese widerange humbuckers that havent been used yet(bought but never used for project), and i noticed that on the packets they came in the part number is the same.

so i measured them on my multimeter and one read 12.60k and the other 12.61k, so im guessing that both of these are bridge pickups?

i got them at a decent price and i was planning to put them into a squier jagmaster, would it be ok to put one in the neck or will the output be way to high?


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:29 am
by dug
I think vintage widerangers were wound the same in both positions.
so maybe they were just doing the same.

All I offer is speculation, sorries.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:05 am
by hendrix1234
yeh i saw something about the old ones aswell, but then someone also said they were different.

i found a page on the reissues that says their are different neck and bridge ones, because the readings were different.

i guess im just asking because i dont want to modify the guitar if the pickup i put in the neck is to loud or crappy.

and being in australia its hard to get these pickups easily

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:04 pm
by Ankhanu
I don't know what they're supposed to read, but, just lower the neck and raise the bridge until you have near equal output volume; it shouldn't be a big deal. If you have the neck pickup at the same height as the bridge it'll definitely be too loud, but you should be able to even it out with a few adjustments.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:26 am
by hendrix1234
yeh i think ill just use them, ill lower the neck pickup and its should be all good.
