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Anyone got their RAT Reutz modded?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:04 pm
by Taylor704
I got my RAT modded by Mike a while back so I can switch between standard RAT/Turbo Rat and a toggle for reutz on/off. I've really been loving the sound of the Reutz standard RAT, and it makes my Tele sound great. The normal mode is good, but the sound of the Reutz mod is brilliant in my opinion. 80% of the time I use the standard RAT mode but at times I switch to using the Turbo Rat mode for some lighter/more cutting gain.

Small problem that I have with the pedal; the treble (to me) never really equalizes with my clean sound on the standard RAT reutz side, even with the filter all the way off. It never used to bug me in the past but i've realised that a lot of the time when I should be just that bit more in the mix, i'm not. I'm not sure whether i'm just being picky though.

I'm wondering if (another) mod can be done to take away some bass/add more treble so I can get a bit more play with the filter knob. Anyone else had similar experiences to me with a Reutz Rat?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:14 pm
by Doog
You RAT doesn't get bright enough? Craaazy, what guitar and amp you using it with?

My Reutz-modded RAT has the filter at 9 o'clock pretty much all the time, although I generally want my distortion less bright and more FULL than my clean sound. I just tried my Tele with the RAT's filter off and it's PIERCING.

Kinda makes me think your RAT has odd pots or you're veeeeery deaf about 8 kHz..

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:19 pm
by Taylor704
Mexi Tele through a Blackstar HT-5 (so need to upgrade).

It gets trebley just it seems to me the treble can't get equal with my clean tone.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:54 pm
by George
The reason I got rid of my RAT was because of it's untamed treble response.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:43 pm
by sp3k
my problem with mine (also reutz moded) is it isn't transparent enough, i think it laks mids or something like that, compared to my clean sound.

actually, if you use it with almost no drive (before 12) it doesn't seem that treably.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:07 pm
by johnnyseven
I haven't had mine Reutz modded but I did get it modified by Pedal Mods UK (google it) and they put in a LM308 (is that right?) chip in it and I think it sounds great. It's far from trebly though, but that might have something to do with me playing with my tone control down way low.