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Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:45 pm
by Viljami
Somebody is selling this at our local "craigslist" A nice looking Framus from the 60's that the seller wanted to originally modify (humbuckers) Luckily he didn't.
Up for grabs for 400e. I'm betting it will be sold within the next 48 hrs. Just because I want it (but cannot afford it just yet) and the price isn't bad for a guitar that (alledgely) works.
IF no-one has the common sense to buy it before I get a chance, I just might make him an offer the he can refuse (rear end of a horse in his bed, the whole works).
If only I could remember the model.. Was it a Golden Television?
edit. No it wasn't.
edit x2 It's a Fret Jet. Or is it?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:12 pm
by stewart
i keep meaning to sell my framus, i never play the poor thing.
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:37 pm
by Nick
that framus looks amazing, sanded finish and all.....I would play the hell out of that thing
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:38 am
by Rox
Pretty cool guitar. But 400euros ? Is that what something like that would go for over there? Looks a tad shabby.
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:00 am
by DGNR8
Wow--the red one in the photo makes me crazy. this one is nice, but does seem high. Is it the ONLY guitar in Finland?
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:28 am
by Viljami
Could be. Guitars are and always have been a tad expensive here. Especially in the olden days when we were a really poor country. I'd expect a guitar like this going for at least 900 €.
Pro's and con's (market-wise)
-It's old
-Semihollow (so the seller claims)
-Framus? That's not a amp!
-But mommy, I want a Gibson!! I'll pay muchos dineros for it!
-Who cares?
I think there is a small but dedicated group of people with good taste that usually picks these up. It might be a cabal of some sorts. Or a coven.
Even if the guitar is banged semi-out-of shape, we have a luthier-school at my school, so they could probably do a thing or two to it (4 cheepz). (Floyd Rose, EMG's. MATTE BLACK REFIN!! just kidding)
If I were to buy it, I'd have to inspect it first. The neck could be permanently warped, the usuals.