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So this is what I went with..

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:47 am
by Viljami
As some may remember a while back I questioned the hon. members of this board on what to get for my next bass amp.
Well, today the money came (and mostly went, since I had to pay the rent too). Luckily I my payday is on Thursday.

This is what I ordered:

Ashdown MAG 414T Deep Bass Box, 4 ohm/350W, 37kg.


Laney RB 9 300W 4ohm, 12,5 kg.

+amp cable, two straps and some FastFret.

Can't wait to see the delivery-guy carry all this in to my apartment. 2nd floor, no elevator.

I was expecting to get more money, so what I had planned originally to include was this:
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:46 pm
by Ankhanu
Looks like a nice setup. How much was the cab? I'm looking for something very much like that for my bass rig. I've got a Peavey T-Max amp, with no cab, and it'll push 350W at 4Ohm.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:51 pm
by Viljami
295€ @

Probably could've gotten it cheaper, but I wanted to buy everything from the same place. And the difference would've been at best 10€.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:58 pm
by Ankhanu
That's not bad; less than the Ampeg SVT-410HLF I was looking at and around the price of the Traynor 210x115 I was considering.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:06 pm
by Mike
Solid setup. That'll bring the noise and no mistake

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:08 pm
by Viljami
That's exactly why I got it. Ashdowns seem pretty solid to me. And the one I got shouldn't even have the blue speakers, which is good in my book. And as you probably know, "everything is made in China yada yada".
Ashdown was started by a guy who used to work at Trace Elliot (when it was still good). Hopefully everything gets here intact and safe.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:12 pm
by Ankhanu
colabonham wrote:That's exactly why I got it. Ashdowns seem pretty solid to me. And the one I got shouldn't even have the blue speakers, which is good in my book. And as you probably know, "everything is made in China yada yada".
Ashdown was started by a guy who used to work at Trace Elliot (when it was still good). Hopefully everything gets here intact and safe.
Yeah, I've read pretty much nothing but good stuff about Ashdown.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:42 pm
by damienblair17
Looks pretty cool. Too bad about the 'Paul. Hope that works out for ya.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:47 pm
by Doog
I would have plumped for an Ashdown head, but that's mainly because I'm a fanboy. I've used that Laney head before, it's mighty fine!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:59 pm
by Freddy V-C
I haven't played an RB9, but an RB5 combo is my favourite bass amp I've ever played through!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:33 pm
by Billy3000
nice dude. I've heard nothing but good things about both ashdown and laney. I've never played either myself though.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:21 pm
by Chorlton
Ive used the Laney head too. It's toot sweet.