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choosing between two epiphones

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:48 pm
by borrowedworld
just got a job so i get to buy some new stuff! i was originally thinking of getting the classic vibe 60's tele but without a pickup change it would not be viable for both styles i play, so i arrive at two epiphones that have caught my eye. however i live 2 hours from a music store and i doubt they would carry either. so if anyone has played either of these, or knows where a demo is, that'fd be helpful.

choice number one is the les paul sc with the p-90s. haven't played epiphones p-90s but gibsons 90 equpped guitars have some of my favorite tone.

choice two is between the 2 higher end wilshires. the pro with the standard humbuckers or the slightly pricer worn model with the mini humbuckers. i like the styling and set neck p-90s or humbuckers what i am going for.

i should probably do my best to explain my style. i play doom infused hardcore punk, so i need a thick but sloppy, booming tone for that. the other style i play is a bit tricker to define, influenced by king crimson, the jesus lizard, modern life is war, fugazi, bear vs shark, pianos become the teeth, converge, botch ect, so i need something capable of handing higher gain and staying clear but not sounding like shit when i thin the sound out for certain parts.

I play through a 72 bassman 100. i plan on getting a few pedals, as well as a new cabinet. so if you know some good drives or speakers that would help, throw them out there. hope i am being specific enough, thanks for any help and i am open to different guitars besides these if they stay in a similar price range.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:29 pm
by taylornutt
I was just at Guitar Center and played both of those models. Not impressed with either guitar. The Epiphone Les Paul SC sounded blah and the treble pickup didn't work. Loved the weight of the Wilshire but the tone didn't do much for me. Of course I am not a huge Gibson guy, though I like PRS. You might consider some of the PRS SE models.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:34 pm
by Billy3000
With basically every epiphone that I've ever played, they've felt and looked really nice, but the sound is never great, with a pickup change they always sound awesome though!

Where in NC are you?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:50 pm
by borrowedworld
i live 5 miles from the VA border in a small town called norlina. probably actually an hour from music stores but still. for some reason i have contempt for PRS even though they are made in my home state. don't like the tone of the looks. hmmmm maybe that ltd pb with the p rails is going to have tp be it

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:13 pm
by Will
White wilshires are getting blown out at MF for $230 - a lot of guitar for that money.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:53 pm
by borrowedworld
yeah i had seen those white wilshires. what's the difference between those and the pro model? i mean if it's minute then my choice is made. i have heard the tone is in between les paul and sg? i'm assuming a pickup change is going to be necessary down the road anyhow.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:01 am
by Billy3000
Yea I've driven past Norlina. Can't say I can think of any good music shops in that area. But you could make a pretty good day trip and hit all the shops in raleigh.

Re: choosing between two epiphones

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:46 am
by KS11
borrowedworld wrote:
choice number one is the les paul sc with the p-90s. haven't played epiphones p-90s but gibsons 90 equpped guitars have some of my favorite tone.
i love the dirt i get on my 56 ri goldtop epi lp. i actually prefer it more than other p90s

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:39 am
by Rox
If those are the choices you're down to I would say go for a Wilshire. Then if you're stuck between them two go for the 66 Worn. IMO NY mini humbuckers work good for punk stuff. Bright yet ballsy.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:31 am
by borrowedworld
i'd like to know how the quality of the squier tele deluxe with p90s is compared to these because if it's the same or better as the wilshire that'd be the best thing most likely. only thing is as silly as it is people look at that squier logo and will write you off, which is fucking moronic

the mini humbuckers do sound sort of cool but i haven't played with a set since i was 15 and my ear for tone has changed so much since then it's ridiculous. as much as it sucks my next guitar may be bought sight unseen, so i'm trying to make the decision as carefully as possible. the other option is the ltd ec256

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:38 pm
by Boab
I've got a friend with a that kinda Squier Tele Deluxe and, for their price, they're great. Sound good, nice neck and decent build quality. I've always liked the Wilshires, but I can definitely recommend those Teles.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:05 am
by Rox
Had em both . Sold em too. Wilshire has a better feel to it than the tele deluxe. Loved the humbucker version more than the p90s. But the humbucker Wilshire to me is such a better built, better sounding , nicer feeling guitar. That's only my opinion though. Except the build part . That is purely obvious.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:21 am
by FuttBucket
I've got an old MIK Epiphone LP special DC with two P90's and the toggle switch on the upper bout like a SC les paul.

Haven't played many P90 epi's recently that felt as solid or sounded as nice...albeit I switched out the pots and caps and have set it up nicely.
The chinese ones don't seem to have the same consistency or attention to detail yet. All the MIC ones I've tried in the past couple years have felt very toyish and flimsy.

Hard to tell how nice newer epi's are when the factory setup is so god awful too.

I'd suggest looking for an older MIK Epi with P90's, they're out there and usually don't go for more than $400.