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Should I trade my Jaguar CP Special HH for a Mustang?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:19 am
by Armchair Bronco
I've started thinking about selling my 2008 CP Jaguar Special HH and buying a Fender Mustang (probably a '65 RI).

I like my Jaguar but it's not my favorite guitar. I've always wanted a Mustang, but to get a new axe I need to sell one.

What should I do? :?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:10 am
by taylornutt
I think you have made the case pretty clear. Time to sell or trade up to a Mustang. You could probably trade up to a Mustang Reissue for sure. I wish I could help you out but I only have a Squier CV Duo Sonic or Jagmaster to trade at the moment.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:29 am
by kypdurron
Have you tried a Mustang? The CP Jaguar Special HH is awesome, but the Mustang 65 RI is (can you say that?) awesomer(rerer). If you like thin frets and single coils, that is. Just be aware that a Mustang is different to handle (everything is smaller) and that a CP Jaguar Special HH offers a lot more sounds.

So what you should do is to play a Mustang and if you dig it buy one. But also leave it aside if you think it's too small or sounds thin. If you need to sell the Jag to fullfill your desire, then do it.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:34 am
by Armchair Bronco
Ideally, I can find some kind soul locally willing to do a temporary swap with me: my CP Jag Special HH for his (or her) Mustang. Then I can take it for a spin over a week using my own amps and pedals.

I think it takes several days of constant playing just to get acquainted w/ a new guitar, and about a week to know if you want to pursue a longer term relationship.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:32 pm
by Gomer
I just went from a Gibson SG to a Mustang (I can only afford to have one guitar at a time).
The change was like swearing off coffee for tea. Enormous regret on day one, enormous satisfaction today.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:14 pm
by endsjustifymeans

Mustangs rule.
Jaguars drool.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:20 pm
by Doug
kypdurron wrote:... Just be aware that a Mustang is different to handle (everything is smaller) and that a CP Jaguar Special HH offers a lot more sounds...So what you should do is to play a Mustang and if you dig it buy one...
Gotta second Kypdurron by saying that if your fingers are medium sized like mine (I'm 6 ft. tall, 180 lbs.) then the Mustang will take a bit of getting used to. The good news is that you'll develop a more precise technique, especially up near the body. A few musicians with thick fingers love playin their Mustangs, but some folks just can not play above the 16th fret. :cry:

Mine is an original in great shape, sounds and plays beautifully. By the way, regarding "sounds", I get a satisfying range of tones from these old pups by keeping the guitar volume all the way up, relying a lot on my amp, and being creative with my attack. And there are unique tones you can get by experimenting with the in-phase, out-of-phase switches.

Back to size, now that I've adjusted to the smaller fret spacing, I've bought a Duo-Sonic as well. So best to ya, mate!

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:32 pm
by dezb1

Mustangs Are silly little fiddly guitars, build for children and waifs

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:34 pm
by Gabriel
dezb1 wrote:NO!.

Mustangs Are silly little fiddly guitars, build for children and waifs
Which is why they're so awesome.

Anyway its up to you, you've just got to see if you can deal with the single coils and more retro feel. If so then I'd say go for it, as I've never been much of a fan of jaguars with humbuckers.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:39 pm
by Fran
Mustangs are great guitars but the Jaguar is better, its just a simple fact and people can argue it until they are blue in the face.

More to the point why do you want a Mustang? Single coils? the trem? teh kurdtz? the body size? because other than that i cant see a point to this. If you dont like humbuckers try an Affinity Strat, awesome guitar for cheapz and you can hang on to the Jag until you decide what you really want to do and hopefully try a Mustang.

Re: Should I trade my Jaguar CP Special HH for a Mustang?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:11 am
by weeping_moon
I own a 65 Re mustang in white color.. I cant say the guitar is build for children thats completley bullshit talk.
The pickups sucks so you have to change them, but otherwise you will love it.

Re: Should I trade my Jaguar CP Special HH for a Mustang?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:00 am
by kypdurron
weeping_moon wrote: The pickups are great but I was after another sound
corrected :wink: In fact these are the best made pickups I have ever seen in an Fender guitar cheaper than an American Vintage Reissue. They kill the american standard strat single coils, for example. or the mexican tele stuff. They're just correctly made vintage replicas. See:
► Show Spoiler

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:36 pm
by robroe
the pickups in the 65RI are a 100 times better than the ones in the 69RI.

when i bought mine, i fully expected to replace them just like i did in my other mustang. never did. never will.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:51 pm
by aen
endsjustifymeans wrote:yes.

Mustangs rule.
Jaguars drool.
I sure as fuck wouldnt. Those CPS are incredible. PUt better pickups in it, and revel in the incredible tremelo system, tuning stability and rock tones.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:12 pm
by Justyn
I still have no idea what to swap the pickups for mine for.

I was thinking Prails, but then remember than I'm mostly a doomish shoegaze type of player.
Even got it tuned in B standard.

Re: Should I trade my Jaguar CP Special HH for a Mustang?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:21 pm
by dots
Armchair Bronco wrote:I've started thinking about selling my 2008 CP Jaguar Special HH and buying a Fender Mustang (probably a '65 RI).

I like my Jaguar but it's not my favorite guitar. I've always wanted a Mustang, but to get a new axe I need to sell one.

What should I do? :?
You should put better pickups in your cp jag before you trade it away (I recommend gfs p90's, the upgrade is seamless visually and breathtaking sonically). Jags only drool over mustangs when they're about to fanny fuck a mustang's mom (and Your Face). I ain't got none but respect for 'stangs and miss mine terribly, but eff them being "better"... just different.

Re: Should I trade my Jaguar CP Special HH for a Mustang?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:31 pm
by broncobuster80
dots wrote:
Jags only drool over mustangs when they're about to fanny fuck a mustang's mom (and Your Face).